Because it's worth noting...

I love all three of my boys. Honest. I love them each in different ways and for different reasons. Today, though, I simply must share with you why I stinkin' love Micah lately:
1. During our vacation, he was totally put out that we didn't get to tour the White House or meet the president. Rather than dwell on that, though (or get irked that his brothers decided it was then entertaining to constantly point and say things like, "Look! There's the president!" lol), he decided that he'll simply have to become president so that he can see the White House. His plan was to become president and then have a big party (which *I* as his mother am invited to) for all previous presidents who are still alive. (This way, he figures, he'll get to meet them.) They'd go to the basement where he'll have converted the bowling alley into an archery range and they'll have a tournament, and whichever ex-president is the oldest gets to be the judge.
2. After touring the Biltmore Estate, though, he totally changed his mind and decided he no longer needs to become president. He'll just get rich and buy Biltmore and have his party there. Same deal with the ex-presidents and archery tournament. ;)
3. Shortly after we returned from vacation, he wrote me this note and asked me to save it so he won't forget:
It says: "I want to go to a high school where I can get a bachelor's degree then go to Stanford and get a PhD in science then become a science teacher (professor). On my off time, I'll conduct experiments to make a holodeck (like from Star Trek, folks) then open a company called Projections of the Future. My students could get jobs in the company. I would make people's lives better."
He has whole heaps of elaborate details that go with this like doubling up on classes in high school and college to get the degrees faster. Oy. (I suppose before we get to that, though, we'll maybe work on handwriting and spelling a bit more, eh? lol)
4. While he's not planning decades into the future, he's completely delighting in being seven and learning the joys of riding a bike through a puddle:
5. And he's still adorable enough that he can coerce his twelve year old brother to race him around the cul-de-saq:
Yes, Noah even did the race on foot while Micah rode his bike. :) And look how happy both of them are. :)
And those are just some of the reasons... ;)