Cowboy boots and flip flops

Just so you know...randomly last week, Micah decided to go country. Not sure what brought it on, but the boy raided my closet for boots and a hat then had me take him to buy a denim jacket and a new flannel shirt. (He used gift cards his Nana gave him plus the fact that he'd discovered online that all denim was on sale that day. He was quite pleased with himself, lol.)
For what it's worth, he was discouraged from wearing his ensemble to Options on Monday on account of PE. ;) We'll see how long this lasts...
Relatedly, the weather yesterday just begged for a walk. After a couple times of trying stubbornly to wear the boots on walks, Micah finally admitted defeat. Of course, this apparently meant that flip flops were the appropriate choice. :P So...we made it to the neighborhood park. Then Micah ditched the flip flops and denim jacket and we ended up with pictures like this:
Yup. Regardless of the footwear, I think we're all ready for spring here. :)