College visits

Whew. Spring break is officially over tonight. Here's how it went...
Asher, for whatever reason, only got a partial week of spring break. On the plus side, at least it was still the same week as both brothers' spring breaks. And. Because he doesn't have classes on Fridays this semester, he was able to fly home last Thursday night (March 10). We had all five of us here then from late March 10 until this past Wednesday (March 16). We didn't have any big plans...just a quiet spring break with some games and time with friends and watching shows and working on some individual projects. Not exciting but good. :)
On Wednesday, though, Asher had to fly back to Omaha. At the same time, Micah and I flew out to California to do some college visits. Here's us waiting for our flights...before I hugged my Asher and Micah and I boarded our flight to San Jose.
Let me insert the short version for anyone who doesn't want/need all the details...
Micah's still figuring out what he's looking for. This trip was great for that...helping to show him what's important to him and what questions to ask. We walked around Stanford University on our own, did an individual tour with Stanislaus State, did a group tour with Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and walked around San Jose State University on our own. Along the way, we also enjoyed California. As of now, Micah's thinking he might want to pursue a degree in kinesiology and knows that the campus culture is very important to him (looking for a more active student body). He's also a fan of California and warmer weather.
Got it? Cool. Okay, now for the longer version...
We got to San Jose smoothly, picked up our rental car and got some food. Then we drove to Stanford University. Stanford isn't doing official campus tours right now (except for admitted students) so we just wandered around the campus on our own (which was encouraged).
Wow. Stanford is a gorgeous campus! I'm totally kicking myself for not taking more pictures but I was just getting in the groove...also, Micah didn't like me taking pictures, lol. Regardless, it was beautiful. Also, Micah really liked what he saw of the student culture...lots of people out and about, playing together and studying in the sun and exercising. Lovely. :)
After that, we drove down to Marina, CA and found dinner and our hotel and settled in for the night.
Thursday morning we found our way to the beach for a bit. It was chilly but that didn't stop Micah from getting wet, lol. We went back to the hotel for him to get some dry pants then drove a couple hours to Turlock, CA in the central valley. We grabbed some lunch and then did our individual tour at Stanislaus State. Stanislaus is part of the California State University system ( opposed to the UC system). (Micah has been looking at the CSU schools over the UC schools because of cost for out of state students.)
So, we enjoyed our tour guide, Kyle, and Micah had a good conversation with him about Kyle's kinesiology major. Prior to this, Micah had been mostly undecided and leaning toward a business degree (when made to lean). Now he's realizing that a kinesiology degree might be a better fit. Beyond that, though Stanislaus seemed a nice enough campus, Micah felt it was too small. It reminded him of Front Range Community College, where he already takes classes here in Fort Collins. Also, very few students live on campus at Stanislaus, making for a very quiet campus. (Apparently, with many of the CSU schools, the student body draws primarily from the surrounding area and many commute.)
After that, we drove the couple hours back to the coast and went the extra 15 minutes or so from our hotel down to Monterey and Cannery Row. We had a nice dinner there and were entertained by a couple of women in long flowing dressed doing some photos down on the beach. Everyone at our restaurant was watching as they recruited volunteers on the beach to help them "billow" their dresses and even take some of the pictures...and cheered/laughed when a wave came in and got one of the dresses while the women were talking. :)
(I went and chatted with them after we finished eating. I was curious, lol. Apparently, one of the women's mothers is a seamstress who makes these dresses and has recently started a business renting them so they were taking photos for advertising and Instagram content and such.) I didn't get to window shop or browse more, being with my teenage guy, but we also stopped at the Ghirardelli store and just generally had a nice evening before going back to the hotel and watching a show together.
Friday morning we got day passes to a nearby gym and got our workouts in. (Yay, us!) We then showered, got lunch and went to CSUMB (less than 10 minutes from our hotel)...California State University Monterey Bay. It was a group tour this time with our tour guide named Micah.
CSUMB used to be a military base. It shows. The campus, though, had a mix of old and new buildings...had significantly more students living on campus than at Stanislaus...seemed to have an active student body with lots of nearby things to do (you can literally see and walk to the beach from campus)...and, apparently, has more women than men. Oh, and Micah found the rec center and scoped out the gym to make sure it's adequate. It passed his inspection. ;) Also, from what we can tell so far, the CSU schools seem to have an emphasis on hands on participation and projects that appeals to Micah.
After that, we made our way to Fort Ord Dunes State Park and my big 16 year old enjoyed the beach like a little boy. He ran up and down the dunes...(which were gorgeous!)...
...and had me take more than 200 pictures of him posing in one way or another. Yes, he refused to pose for more than one or two photos at every campus but was totally down for beach photos, lol.
...yup, he had fun. ;) Oh, and I was there, too...
(Edited to add: For the record, even though the beach looks lovely and sunny, it wasn't even 60 degrees out. You'll notice that I kept my jacket on the whole time. Yes, he was cold, lol.)
We played until the sun started going down and made our way back to the car (where I'd fortunately remembered to bring our travel towels). We grabbed dinner then went back to the hotel for Micah to dry off and get warm. :) Oh, and he realized that he likes how his hair dries in the California humidity.
Saturday I let the boy sleep in a bit before packing up and checking out. We drove the hour or so up to San Jose State University (also a part of the CSU system). We hadn't looked into scheduling a campus tour here but stopped because it was near the airport and we figured "why not?" We walked around campus...encountered what looked like a very fun Holi celebration, checked out the gym (of course), and took note of the amount of campus and off campus housing.
Micah's going to do some more research on San Jose State but does think living in the middle of a city might be cool.
After that, we grabbed lunch, returned our rental car and flew home. Whew. So, that was the end of our spring break and a start on Micah's college visits. We'll visit at least some schools here in Colorado, and he's going to do more research looking for other schools now that he's narrowing down what he's looking for. I'll keep you posted... :)