Hi. Nothing overly exciting going on here but I'm definitely thankful. Life is good, and I know it. Here's my list today:
1. Fall. I love fall. Love it! It's definitely my favorite season and I feel like we've missed out on a true fall here in Colorado the last few years (early snow made for ugly trees or the season just seemed to only last a week or whatever). It's been gorgeous here this year and I've been appreciating it...

This picture is from a couple weekends ago when Asher was home for fall break but it felt right for this post. Yes, that's Asher in the background, lol.
The gusty winds the last couple days have been making short work of the leaves left on the trees (that were so beautiful until then!) but, I'm told, it's almost November, so it's okay. :) Very thankful for October and having had such fabulous colors outside this past month.
2. Streaming services. I've said it before but it bears repeating. I'm thankful for the ability to watch so very many shows from the comfort of my home. Often, I watch things on one screen while I work on another at my desk. For me, shows can be like music in the background. My boys tell me I'm weird but I enjoy re-watching shows I've seen before. Beyond that, I also appreciate family time watching shows all together, where that's the focus. I love being able to discuss things as they happen...to pause shows when necessary...to laugh together and react together. With only Micah left at home these days, I'm especially thankful for any activity we can enjoy together.
3. My recent picture project. I'm pretty much done, Mom! I sorted through these bins of loose pictures and have them all organized into envelopes. The manila envelopes are mostly sorted by year with a few envelopes for specific things like portraits or pictures from weddings. The envelopes with prints you get back from the developer are more recent photos (roughly 2000-2006) so I just left those in their original envelopes and labeled them. The ziplock bags are either other groups of photos (one specific trip or something) or a bag of random pictures that I couldn't otherwise sort (mostly because I didn't know the year). There are only a few bags like that, which I think is pretty good considering how very many photos there were in the first place...

Beyond sorting, I've also digitized most all of the photos from the manilla envelopes. (I scanned them with my phone using an app called Photomyne that's worked really well. They're now loaded to my computer, too.) Yay, me!
Along the way, I learned a few things:
- It's much harder to tell the age of kids in photos when they keep the same haircut for years. (I'm looking at you, Cas, lol.)
- My mom's dad and stepmom really liked having their picture taken. ;)
- Though getting the duplicate prints seemed like a good idea at the time, if you don't actually do anything with all the prints it just takes up more room later.
- Even the "bad" pictures help tell the story (which does, though, make it hard to weed anything out, lol).
- The option to have the date printed directly on the front of photos is annoying (in that it distracts from the photo, itself) but incredibly useful (when you're trying to organize photos years later).
- That option does not help, though, when someone sets the camera's date incorrectly, lol. (Mom, any photo that says 1998 was actually taken in 2002, I've decided.)
- I really appreciate when the photos had the dates developed printed on the back of the photo...so helpful!
And, mostly, I'm just so thankful for the gems that I found. I very much appreciate these little pieces of my history. I'll try to do another post with some of those soon, just because. :)
4. Knowing all three boys have had their advising appointments for spring semester. A couple weeks ago, I went with Micah to his advising appointment (as is required). We set up a full schedule of classes he can take at the CEC campus and got that all situated. If it ends up that way, it'll be all good. But. The FRCC schedule comes out next week and we'll be checking that. He may end up registering for a full schedule at FRCC instead or a combination of classes at FRCC and CEC (like he currently has). We'll see what's available.
Meanwhile, Noah and Asher have both met with their advisors and registered for their spring semester classes in the last week. It was Noah's last time registering for classes, and he's pretty happy with his schedule and glad to be easily graduating "on time" in just four years thanks to having taken many college classes during high school and being able to transfer all of those. (Because it's an engineering field, though, he couldn't shave off actual years since the major classes were only offered in a set sequence and during set terms.)
Like Noah, Asher has plenty of room in his architectural engineering schedule thanks to having earned his AS during high school. Also like Noah, he can't shave off semesters or years because of the set sequence and terms. So, Asher is starting to explore adding a minor and is appreciating having that flexibility and being able to not take the full architectural engineering major class load each term. (For instance, this current semester, most of his classmates all have the same 6 required courses. Asher's already taken 3 of them and had those credits transfer. So, he was able to take classes from upcoming semesters instead, which will lighten those future loads.)
In any case, thankful to have all three boys mostly squared away and set for spring semester.
5. Fort Collins. And, finally for today, I'm thankful to live here in Fort Collins. I appreciate the community and am trying to do my part to help support local businesses. In the past year and a half or so, I know online shopping has been such a convenience. I've done my fair share of that. :) But I have and am also consciously making the effort to shop local whenever possible. Thankful that Fort Collins has so many options!
Well, off for now. Hope you all enjoy the rest of October!