I need to make a list.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed of late. You'd think that after a month of crazy creating for the visuals for my book, I'd be ready for a creative break and content to just focus on other stuff. That's what I thought. I was wrong. For some reason, now I just have heaps and buckets of ideas going through my head practically all the time. I need to figure out a way to jot them down. I love lists but this seems to call for something more "loose" than a list. (Gasp! Did I say that? Me? The queen of lists!)
So. I'm in search of a cool way to record my random thoughts...which vary from simple title treatment ideas to full projects...from other book ideas (yes, I am a glutton for punishment but am so inspired right now) to games to make the boys using scrapping materials...from Christmas gift ideas (things to make) to layout designs...and everything in between. What do you do? Anyone have any ideas that work well for them? I've seen lots of inspiration journals and actually have one myself. But. I don't seem to ever look at it again after I jot down things in it. So...thoughts?
ETA: Incidentally, since purging and cleaning my scrap space, I also find myself doing a good bit of window shopping for new supplies to overfill my space with. I've been having great fun looking through Etsy stores and my local scrapbook store and everywhere else. All this merely fuels the idea overload. So. Do me a favor, and *don't* tell me your favorite places to shop. Okay? Okay. ;)