Happy Everything!
Obviously I went missing there for a bit. In short...had a good, quiet, different, blessed sort of Christmas here. Hopefully our holiday cards should reach people soon. :)
Longer story...last weekend we finally put up some outside decorations...

I love my inflatables and know that they make some of the little kids on our street happy, too. :) Asher and Micah also gave me my Christmas gift early and presented me with a baby dragon to go along with Holly (my big dragon). He's adorable and we've named him Buddy.
Also over the weekend, I gathered up the last of the legos here to make more space in Noah's room. (They'd been scattered everywhere as I finished shipping things out. There are still quite a few loose bricks and pieces but at least they're all contained for now, lol. Incidentally, I sold almost everything of the sets I listed for sale. Yay!)

And that was just in time, as we picked Noah up from his apartment on Sunday and then, finally, that night put up decorations inside the house...

Yes. Ended up with a slightly smaller tree and had to shift it from the traditional place in front of the window given the climbing wall but we made it work. And while we were putting up decorations, I discovered some things that made me so happy...

This is the mistletoe ball that always hung in our house growing up. At one point my mom said she wanted to be buried with it and that none of us could have it, lol. But, last year, I scored a few goodies! I can't remember exactly if it was when I flew back for mom's birthday party in January or if mom mailed them to me last Christmas as part of my gift, but I'd forgotten until I opened the decorations boxes and it was such a happy surprise.
Also in the box was this hanging that my mom made back before she had five kids. I have such fond memories of sitting in front of a heater or fireplace and looking up at this every holiday season growing up.

The Christmas mouse is also from my childhood and always had a place of honor when we put up decorations. My boys think it's weird and don't really get it but whatever. :) And. Mom let me have my stocking. My godmother actually made them for us back when it was just my parents, me and one brother. After we added three more kids, mom and I made more in the same style and they were what always hung on our mantle.

To me, this is what Christmas stockings are. I had a plan, at one point, to make some like this for us. But. We'd already used the embroidered ones I bought as a stand in and Nathan objected to changing...wanted to stick with what had become tradition. So. We've had the same stockings for at least 20 years. ;P Ours hang on our stair banister but this one, at least, is on our mantle this year.
The week then was busy with finishing getting things in the mail...wrapping gifts for here (which I actually got done sooner than the day before Christmas for a change!)...watching holiday movies...eating holiday goodies from my brother's family and from friends and neighbors here (always some of our favorite holiday gifts!)...climbing a couple times with Micah...finally addressing and mailing cards (they got delayed somewhere...I ordered them at the start of the month)...and delivering neighbor gifts. Mostly, though, the week was filled with our basement project--deciding on a paint color, clearing things out, ripping up the carpet and taking that to the landfill, etc. That's going to get its own post in two or three days. Suffice it to say, it kept us busy. :)
And then on Christmas morning, we leisurely gathered beneath the climbing wall to open gifts. Asher and Micah were particularly fond of the bubble wrap, lol. (Thanks, Lynne!)

This made us all laugh...

Nathan and I had given Micah the tank he's wearing. (He'd changed into it after he opened it.) A few minutes later, he opened a gift from his grandparents...including the exact same shirt! Obviously, great minds think alike. :)
Usually, I try to get everyone an ornament each year that commemorates some aspect of the year for that person. This year, I had a hard time finding anything that worked. So. I made these lego minifigures of each of us holding things representative for this year...and put them into a clear ornament. Voila! I also found the cute little face mask ornaments on Etsy and added those.

And there were new games (that have already mostly been played!) and pajamas and books and other fun stuff. Gifting for teenagers is more difficult than when they were little, lol. One of the things we got Asher was this kalimba...

...which sounds just beautiful. He's already learned a song or two. :)
And that was mostly our quiet little Christmas. Nathan's parents aren't joining us this year, which I think may be a first. (There was at least one year when they came a month later given Asher's black belt promotion but it was still a holiday visit.) We're thankful we managed to see them back in August at Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Like Thanksgiving, we opted this year to mostly try to support our local restaurants by ordering (in advance) from a number of them for our meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas day...which also freed up more time from kitchen duties for things like playing games. Everyone wins!
Hoping you all had a beautiful Christmas also!
Today, we're back to our basement project. I'll post about all of that when it's finished, hopefully soon. :)