Thank you so much for all the Facebook, email, text and other birthday wishes on Wednesday!!! Sorry I didn't reply more promptly but my guys and I were off having a lovely day. :) We headed up to Estes Park and took Trail Ridge Road up to the Alpine Visitor Center in hopes of climbing the steps there and recreating this picture from eight years ago (scroll a bit down the entry). Unfortunately, the steps were closed due to snow. :( But, at another of the pullouts not far away, we found an open trail and climbed it then climbed some boulders...

One of the views from there looked like this:

And I'd be lying if I said there weren't snowballs thrown all along the way, lol. (Apologies, again, to the woman Micah almost hit while trying to get his brother on the way back down the trail, lol. Fortunately, she was a wonderful sport about it.)
Here's a picture from another of the pullouts:

After leaving the park, we made our way to Ed's Cantina for a delicious late lunch then did a wee bit of shopping before heading to Fun City to ride the giant slide:

(Micah doesn't like the giant slide so opted to take the pictures for us.) During all of the day, btw, we remarked on how beautifully the weather was cooperating...much nicer than forecast.
So, after the slide, we started a round of miniature golf. We were having a grand time (boys had all gotten holes in one). It started sprinkling a bit. I decided to run back to the van and grab jackets and an umbrella. (It seemed light enough that we figured we could easily just keep playing.) On my way back to my guys, the skies opened up with hail. I'd say they were about peanut M&M sized. ;)
I found Nathan and the boys huddled under a tree on the far side of the course. I joined them there with the single umbrella I had and we waited out the burst. It probably lasted about 5-10 minutes. Once it started to let up, Nathan and Micah made a run for it with the umbrella. Noah, Asher and I followed shortly after and we all made it to the pavilion. This is what it looked like on the course:

Yup. All the greens had turned white and there were puddles everywhere. This is what the slide looked like:

And, lucky us, we'd parked in the low spot of the parking lot...

Simply put, we were soaked! :)
We'd brought coats and snow boots anticipating the snow up Trail Ridge Road. But we hadn't brought changes of clothes or socks and shoes, lol. So. In wet clothes and snow boots with no socks for the most part (I happened to have brought extra shoes and socks...having been unable to decide what footwear to bring, lol), we then trekked into town for our traditional ice cream at Hayley's. (The sun had come back out at this point, in case you were wondering.)
And then, rather than continuing to hang out in our wet things, we opted to head home.
We arrived home to find a delicious cookie cake on our doorstep (thanks, Vanessa!). We *may* have immediately opened it and eaten some, lol. The rest of the evening was likewise indulgent...just hanging with my guys, watching some shows and ignoring everything else. A beautiful day!
So. Happy birthday to me and here's to another wonderful year!