Bleh...and whew. :)

May is over. Not sure how that happened but honestly glad it is. ;) Let's just say May was a very full month, shall we? By way of a month in review:
- our caterpillars emerged and we released them in the front yard
- we visited the Butterfly Pavilion for the second time this year
- Nathan's mom visited for a week (which was awesome!)
- Noah finished his first year of religious education classes
- we played with bubbles, a lot
- Asher forced a visit to the doctor's office but ended up without stitches (he cut the back of his head open at the park (slipped on a step) but is totally fine)
- Micah became even more obsessed with Diego than he was a couple months ago with Jo Jo
- we made volcanoes with our homeschool group and "erupted" them numerous times at home also
- we had seven scheduled soccer practices, six soccer games and a soccer tournament (actually, the soccer tournament just finished this morning...Noah had four games over the past three days)...along with one soccer party and another later today...which also means I handled the leg-work for two coaches gifts, team photos for 17 boys (took 'em and had them printed for both boys' teams), and trophies for 9 (and I can't help myself and took extra pictures of all the boys in action throughout the season and ended up printing roughly 10 "candid" photos for each boy on both teams)
- we broke out our sprinkler for the summer
- the boys and Nathan launched bottle rockets a couple different times
- we attended a local water festival about water conservation and water in general (fun sciencey stuff)
- we learned first-hand about tornadoes (and continue to pray for our nearby community that was hit...going to a benefit exhibition soccer game this evening that Noah's soccer coach is playing in...all benefits will go to those in Windsor affected by the tornado)
- I completed about 27 pieces (cards and layouts) for various assignments for CK, Prism and my local scrapbook store
- all three boys had weekly music class as usual, with Noah switching to a different song book, which has made all the difference in the world to his attitude about practicing
- we braved the inconsistent Colorado weather and switched out the boys' wardrobes for summer attire (after having had snow at the start of the month (more than once!), then rain, then heat, then tornadoes, then finally summer weather)...had to shop a wee bit for Noah, as the kid just keeps growing
- I survived my first Memorial Day without my dad and am itching to do some more memorial projects as soon as I find the time
- we saw 36 Herbies one day (yeah, we're weird like that and keep count...had to switch to counting collectively as the boys were getting too competitive about it, as boys are apt to do)
- I signed boys up for summer swim lessons (which was quite the ordeal, let me tell *try* to coordinate both Noah and Asher and get the right lessons at the same time...didn't end up happening, by the way, so we'll be spending three hours or so at the pool twice a week for the month of June...long story) and summer soccer camps (one week each for each boy, just in the mornings)
- I scheduled our twice monthly summer co-ops for our homeschool group (in coordination with our local Natural Areas program and volunteers who are awesome) and finally finished our homeschool group's newsletter (the summer edition, so at least I'll have a wee break now) which I'm in charge of
- we saw considerably less of Nathan than we'd have liked as he and his development team raced to complete big deadlines (he got home after midnight or not at all 15 days in May, of those five were nights he slept at the office)
- I read all three of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books for the first time (and the second) in about four! Anxiously awaiting the release of book four in August!
- we tackled all the other day to day life stuff like teaching boys and keeping a slightly better than disaster area home and paying bills
- and, of course, we followed American Idol to its finale last week...this was the first season we've ever watched and the boys were quite happy with the outcome:
Like I said, "whew!" I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out but wanted to try to relate why I've been absent here on my blog. Let's hope June goes a bit smoother, eh? :)