Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from May 1, 2008 - May 31, 2008


Bleh...and whew. :)

May is over. Not sure how that happened but honestly glad it is. ;) Let's just say May was a very full month, shall we? By way of a month in review:

- our caterpillars emerged and we released them in the front yard

- we visited the Butterfly Pavilion for the second time this year

- Nathan's mom visited for a week (which was awesome!)

- Noah finished his first year of religious education classes 

- we played with bubbles, a lot

- Asher forced a visit to the doctor's office but ended up without stitches (he cut the back of his head open at the park (slipped on a step) but is totally fine) 

- Micah became even more obsessed with Diego than he was a couple months ago with Jo Jo

- we made volcanoes with our homeschool group and "erupted" them numerous times at home also

- we had seven scheduled soccer practices, six soccer games and a soccer tournament (actually, the soccer tournament just finished this morning...Noah had four games over the past three days)...along with one soccer party and another later today...which also means I handled the leg-work for two coaches gifts, team photos for 17 boys (took 'em and had them printed for both boys' teams), and trophies for 9  (and I can't help myself and took extra pictures of all the boys in action throughout the season and ended up printing roughly 10 "candid" photos for each boy on both teams)

- we broke out our sprinkler for the summer

- the boys and Nathan launched bottle rockets a couple different times

- we attended a local water festival about water conservation and water in general (fun sciencey stuff)

- we learned first-hand about tornadoes (and continue to pray for our nearby community that was hit...going to a benefit exhibition soccer game this evening that Noah's soccer coach is playing in...all benefits will go to those in Windsor affected by the tornado)

- I completed about 27 pieces (cards and layouts) for various assignments for CK, Prism and my local scrapbook store

- all three boys had weekly music class as usual, with Noah switching to a different song book, which has made all the difference in the world to his attitude about practicing

- we braved the inconsistent Colorado weather and switched out the boys' wardrobes for summer attire (after having had snow at the start of the month (more than once!), then rain, then heat, then tornadoes, then finally summer weather)...had to shop a wee bit for Noah, as the kid just keeps growing

- I survived my first Memorial Day without my dad and am itching to do some more memorial projects as soon as I find the time

- we saw 36 Herbies one day (yeah, we're weird like that and keep count...had to switch to counting collectively as the boys were getting too competitive about it, as boys are apt to do) 

- I signed boys up for summer swim lessons (which was quite the ordeal, let me tell you...to *try* to coordinate both Noah and Asher and get the right lessons at the same time...didn't end up happening, by the way, so we'll be spending three hours or so at the pool twice a week for the month of June...long story) and summer soccer camps (one week each for each boy, just in the mornings)

- I scheduled our twice monthly summer co-ops for our homeschool group (in coordination with our local Natural Areas program and volunteers who are awesome) and finally finished our homeschool group's newsletter (the summer edition, so at least I'll have a wee break now) which I'm in charge of 

- we saw considerably less of Nathan than we'd have liked as he and his development team raced to complete big deadlines (he got home after midnight or not at all 15 days in May, of those five were nights he slept at the office)

- I read all three of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books for the first time (and the second) in about four days...fun! Anxiously awaiting the release of book four in August! 

- we tackled all the other day to day life stuff like teaching boys and keeping a slightly better than disaster area home and paying bills

- and, of course, we followed American Idol to its finale last week...this was the first season we've ever watched and the boys were quite happy with the outcome:


Like I said, "whew!" I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out but wanted to try to relate why I've been absent here on my blog. Let's hope June goes a bit smoother, eh? :) 


Album in a Year column

Just a quick note. The Creating Keepsakes website is currently under a bit of transition and is experiencing some wee technical difficulties with archived issues. Due to that, past Album in a Year columns aren't showing up there. CK is aware of the problem and tackling it as I type. But, in the meantime, I've gone ahead and placed all of the files you'd need here on my blog. Please just click the "CK Album in a Year files" link to the left. (The "CK Album in a Year links" will take you to links to the CK website...some of which are not currently working.)

Thanks! (And thank you to those of you who have taken the time to email me individually about this!! I really do appreciate it!)


A prayer of thanks.

Some of you may have heard that there were tornadoes in northern Colorado earlier today (Thursday). The worst of the damage was in Windsor, about 10 miles southeast of where we live. The storm activity moved in a northwest direction up the state, running just past us. So, while we did have considerable storm activity and precipitation, we were fortunate to have escaped the tornadoes. Still. The boys and I spent a somewhat tense day watching the updates and making a few trips to the basement when the winds picked up. (Used the time as a learning opportunity to read about weather and tornadoes, among other things.) Things like this aren't supposed to happen here, though I suppose I will simply be thankful for the reminder of what's truly important.

After watching the news footage during the day with the boys, our hearts go out to each and every family affected. (The Emergency Operations Center was activated and the Governor declared a state of emergency.) We'll be watching the news to see how best we can help in the days to come. If you wouldn't mind, would you please say a quick prayer for this nearby community? So many tonight are without homes.


Overdue, eh?

Wow. Time really flies, doesn't it? Sorry about that. :) Whew. May's been, well, busy. Want a run-down? Settle in...

Let's see...we started with Nathan's mom coming to visit for a week. We had soccer games, released our butterflies (the six we'd watched metamorphose from caterpillars), played with bubbles (this time adding water play at the end), had soccer practice & music class, had Noah's last religious ed class for the year, had two more soccer practices and had some more soccer games. Overall, we had a fabulous (if packed) time and finished it off with another visit to the Butterfly Pavilion on Mother's Day. This time we were able to stay for one of the twice daily butterfly releases and were granted a special treat when one landed (and stayed for quite awhile) on Noah:


After that, another week of three soccer practices and music classes. Then, our homeschool co-op last week was all about volcanoes. The boys were delighted to "build" volcanoes and "erupt" them...both at the co-op and numerous more times at home (trying out a new color each time):


Did I mention soccer? Yeah. Lots of soccer. The season officially ended (finally) this past weekend. Asher had his team party and received his trophy on Sunday:


Noah's team will be participating in a tournament at the end of the month and will do their party after that. Somehow I ended up in charge of team and individual photos for both boys' teams, along with trophies for Noah's team and the coach gift for both. Oy. Life was simpler before soccer. ;) But, then again, soccer seems to have always been a part of my life, as all four of my younger brothers and sisters played for at least a time...two of them fairly seriously. (Cas, you're still not off the hook about coming to visit and do a little soccer camp for your nephews!)

Over the weekend, we also broke out the sprinkler (after what felt like the longest spring ever, with snow more than once earlier in the month) and took the obligatory first sprinkler play of the season pictures:



Micah's still uncertain about it all, but was willing to venture into the spray to "rescue" the bubble wands that the other boys were trying to "wash". He did, though, very much enjoy his new Diego swim trunks...which he'd wear everyday if he could. (Yup, also took the risk and swapped out the boys' winter and summer wardrobes. Watch. It'll snow next week. I know. It'll be my own fault.)

The boys and I attended a Water Festival at the local university Tuesday...all about water conservation and treatment and quality. The mad scientist at the end was definitely a highlight (though Asher was a bit freaked out by the dry ice in a bucket):


Let's see. In other news. I've been keeping busy with layouts and assignments that I unfortunately can't share yet (roughly 22 so far this month). Trying to get things in order household-wise also (a never-ending task, isn't it?). Nathan's been crazy busy with deadlines, which is probably the thing that's contributed most to my being absent here...just not enough time in the day and we've barely seen him these past few months. It's been crazy.

But. Now...finally...religious ed classes are over, soccer is mostly over, and the deadlines are almost manageable again. Big sigh. Hopefully, life will start calming down again (amid those swim lessons and soccer camps and music classes the boys will still have in June and the homeschool activities that continue through the summer). ;) I may even manage to finish up a few non-assignment projects this weekend to share! So, stay tuned!


"Transformers do NOT have butts!"

Yes, I know I still owe you an update from the past couple weeks but this was too good to not mention while it's in my head. The boys and I like to debate random things, particularly while driving...as we were doing today on the way home from music class. Today's topic? Butts.

Sometimes, when the boys and I walk in parking lots, I have to tell them to "link up" to get them to hold my hands...it's Transformer terminology dealing with how some of the Transformers can combine to create bigger and better 'bots. The main 'bot gets to be the head and body and the others become an arm or a leg. So. We were walking today and Noah, when told to link up, hooked up to my back rather than on one of the ends (since he'd have to hold hands with one of his brothers). I informed him that he was the butt. He adamantly maintained that he was a jet pack and that Transformers do NOT have butts. Hence the discussion that has continued since that time. 

The boys, for some reason, find it just wrong to think that a Transformer might have a butt. I don't know why. I asked how they sit if they don't have butts. They informed me that they *do* sit, but that they call all their parts something different and we can't know because we're just humans. Yes. Really.

Anyhow. That's what we've been talking about for the last hour or so. Thought I'd share. ;)