Transitioning to summer...

Busy weekend. Let's mom flew in Saturday. Sunday, Nathan watched the boys while Mom and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon of pedicures and shopping. (Very fun...soooo much easier and more enjoyable to do some shopping without boys in tow sometimes! And, I got some great deals with the Memorial Day weekend sales!) That evening, Mom watched the boys while Nathan and I went out to dinner and a movie. (Hee hee...did you notice that I got to go out during both parts of the day?) Monday we had friends over for a little water fun in the front yard (picture six kids running around with water balloons that weren't really water balloons so they really didn't pop well and were just plain entertaining to watch) and some grilling and chit chat. Today (Tuesday), Mom was supposed to head down to Colorado Springs to a graduation, but as luck would have it she's got the flu. Yeah, she's down in the basement guest room sleeping but at least she's not throwing up any more. Pray that it doesn't make the rounds.
So. That was my weekend. It was fun and the weather was so much nicer than the thunderstorms we had today. Oh, and here's a picture of me and my mom...don't have nearly enough of these!
Now, is it just me, or does Memorial Day seem to signify the unofficial change from spring to summer? This week in particular, I'm wrapping up some things as I gear up to tackle the summer...
- The boys had their last music classes of the "year" today. We're going to take a break for the summer and start up again in the fall (which meant some running around today finishing up teacher thank you cards and gifts). We've been attending pretty much non-stop since Noah was those classes! Our summer schedule is already going to be full enough with swim lessons and parks/rec sports classes and my own trips (CKU and, hopefully, CHA) and summer field trips. Incidentally, the music classes are called Philomusica and are wonderful. (I did the website a couple years ago...need to update some stuff and am thinking we may try a new look come fall.)
- I've got a few smaller scrapping assignments to clear off my desk before the larger summer ones can begin...and I need to figure out a better system so that I stop burying myself after each project is finished.
- I'll be mailing my local homeschool group's newsletters out tomorrow (I'm the newsletter go-to person) and it's chalk full of activities to put on my calendar for the summer...starting with the co-op I organized for this Friday at a local Natural Area...hope the weather improves along with my mom's health, as I'm counting on her to help me corral Micah. :)
Also, I'm trying to work out a new daily routine that helps me get some more regular exercise as well as a block or two of work time in addition to the extra things the boys have going on for the summer. Oh, and Nathan and I are trying to re-incorporate our "special nights" with the boys...we take turns taking one boy out for some one-on-one time each week, though a rotation with two parents and three boys is tricky at times. So much to work into each day. Where are the time turners from Harry Potter when you need them?
Basically, this is one of those transition weeks. (I feel like I have a lot of them.) Trying to tidy up loose ends and get things ready...summer, it seems, will be here before ya know it and I have the sneaking suspicion that I won't be ready. ;)
Alas, I'll just have to handle things the Muggle way and make a list...I love lists. ;)