Watch out in 2024...(or 2028 or 2032...)

Micah says you should watch for him in the Olympics. :)
Last night, Micah attended a seminar by Khatuna Lorig, a five time Olympian and the current top ranked female archer in the United States.
It was at Rocky Mountain Archery, and Micah was stoked to sign up weeks ago. (The other two chose not to sign up, feeling that it wouldn't apply to them since they shoot compound bows and Khatuna shoots recurve. They would be wrong, but I'm not dwelling, lol.) He was so excited to meet someone who's been in the Olympics and did an excellent job of listening to her presentation and asking a few questions of his own.
He's even adjusted his plan. He's decided now that he can be an Olympian *and* follow through on the rest of his plan. The summer Olympics are in the summer, after all, he says. Classes would be out during the summer. ;)
So. He's committed to stepping up his practice (incorporating the steps that Khatuna went through) and figures that down the road he'll switch to recurve, so as to be eligible for the Olympics. (The Olympics only feature recurve archery, not compound.) For now, though, he'll stick with compound...since we already have all that gear and since he's still young and since he needs a bit more strength before shooting with a recurve will work as well for him.
In any case, if you ever have the opportunity to meet Khatuna Lorig, I'd highly recommend it. Micah was delighted and, after having his picture taken with her, went looking for a piece of paper to get her autograph. She gave him a signed print of her at full draw. It's now hanging proudly in his room. :)