I wish I'd captured a picture of the pure delight on Micah's face this morning when I walked into his room to wish him a happy birthday. Happy sigh. This boy. :)
Here's my favorite of the pictures I caught of him today:

And here are some of the others:

That top middle one was just after the kid across the street started practicing his (what we can assume to be new) trumpet. From the volume, I'd say he'd been relegated to the garage to practice, lol.
And here are the height comparisons:

Micah opted not to have a party this year (besides, he got to enjoy Asher's party and all the people there were friends of his also, lol). Instead, he chose to receive a "bigger" gift from us. (Our deal is that each boy can choose a party or a gift from us, not both.)
Clockwise from the top left...here's Asher on Noah's back as Noah helped Micah open a package of HeroClix from Noah, Micah hugging Asher after opening the mandoline slicer from Asher (he was really happy about it), Micah posing with his new metallic silver KitchenAid stand mixer (that he's been eyeing for years and is over the moon happy with), and Micah admiring himself in the new over the door mirror that Noah got him (what can I say? the kid likes looking at his handsome self, lol).

So far today, per Micah's request, he's made eggs benedict for everyone...we've ridden bikes to Spoons for lunch...he opened gifts and has baked his birthday cake...and he's planning to make chicken parmesan for dinner. He's pretty happy. :)
Oh. And he was ridiculously thrilled to learn that he happens to share a birthday with one of his heroes, Alton Brown. Seriously, he did a little dance. :) (He has most of Alton Brown's cookbooks, has watched probably every episode ever of Good Eats, continues to watch shows with Alton Brown in them (especially Cutthroat Kitchen), and is waiting not so patiently for Alton Brown's live tour to come anywhere near us.)
Not long ago, he also learned that he shares a name with another of his culinary heroes, Justin (Micah) Warner, who happens to actually know one of Micah's karate heroes, MJ Steele (who used to be Micah and Asher's instructor at Karate West). Micah's taking these all as signs that he's on the right path and is delighted. :)