Thursday again. :) Things I'm thankful for today...
1. Cleaning my washing machine. Remember how Micah ran that Spartan Race and got thoroughly muddy? Yeah, even after hosing everything off outside and then washing it, my washing machine still had mud. In trying to figure out how to get it clean, I discovered that apparently my washing machine has a "clean washer" setting. Who knew? ;) So. I found some of the cleaning tablets it recommended, ran the "clean washer" setting, and--voila!--my washer was clean again. Lovely. And, it's nice to know that now. :)
2. Asher's introductory flights. I mentioned briefly before that Asher had an intro to aviation class last semester and was considering a minor in aviation. To investigate that a bit further this summer, we had him sign up for an introductory flight with a local flight school. Due to weather and necessary rescheduling, he actually ended up doing two introductory flights with two different flight schools. Here he is at the first one last Saturday:

...and here's the second one that finally was able to be completed this morning...

He got to do most of the actual flying and really enjoyed both flights! Soooo. After a number of discussions and much thought, the new plan is that he's going to take a year off from college, stay here, work, and also complete his private pilot license.
(He'd been looking at doing that through UNO's aviation minor already, but the logistics of managing that alongside everything else seemed to us like setting him up for a very rough year. The lessons taken at UNO, obviously, would require scheduling off site (and, as is the case anywhere, would be prone to needing rescheduling based on the weather). Working through that with hard deadlines (on a semester schedule) while also carrying a full load of architectural engineering courses felt like one or both things wouldn't get the attention necessary for successful learning.)
We don't have all the details in place yet but are excited to see where things go from here. Asher seems happier about flying than about engineering and will work throughout the year to pay for the lessons and also save for whatever comes next.
3. Spoons. Many thanks to Spoons for being so conveniently close to home and having plenty of soups that didn't require chewing for Micah as he's been recovering from his wisdom teeth extraction a week ago. He's doing well and feeling mostly all better (though still avoiding too much chewing).
4. Denver Greek Festival. On Sunday, Nathan and I ventured down to Denver to attend the Greek Festival! None of the boys wanted to go with us (well, Micah might have been interested but couldn't eat any of the foods at that point anyhow, lol), but we enjoyed our day together in the sunshine regardless.

We got to ride in a party bus that was serving as the shuttle from a nearby parking lot...stood in one of many long lines for gyros (and a shorter one for loukoumades)...wandered the many indoor and outdoor vendors...and got to tour the giant golden domed church, complete with a talk inside about the making of the dome and the significance of the various artwork. When we go again (apparently this is a big annual occurrence), we'll try to go on Friday instead of the last many of their desserts and alcoholic beverages had run out on Sunday.
Altogether, alas, it wasn't Greece. ;) But. We're thankful for the beautiful Greek community so nearby and the opportunity to reminsce about our trip to Greece earlier this year.
5. Climbing with Noah. This summer, Noah's been joining Micah and I (sometimes just me) at Ascent. It's been fun working on climbs with him and sharing some of the things I've learned along the way...

(Most of these photos were of a particular route we both worked on last week.) Noah's been exercising more regularly on his own this past year and seems to be enjoying adding climbing to his routine. As he's been continuing his job search, I've been mindful to appreciate this time together.
Okay. That was kind of a lot of stuff. Thankful. :)