Ten on Tuesday

Okay, just quickly...I also wanted to list off some of the things I was particularly thankful for during our trip...
1. Nathan. Incredibly thankful that Nathan joined us for this round of college visits!! Not only did we appreciate his additional perspective, but we were very, very happy to have him there to handle all the driving. Southern California traffic is no joke, people. Man.
2. TSA Precheck. Thankful for this time-saving service which cut our time through security significantly. Also, very happy that because we made our reservations altogether, Micah got tagged for TSA Precheck. (Technically, Micah doesn't have TSA Precheck but was traveling with us and is a minor so they added it to his ticket...which was great because we didn't want to have to wait through the normal security line for him, lol.)
3. People who let you know your car lights are on. On our first night, we got a random call from the front desk at about 11:30pm. We didn't make it to the phone in time but they followed up with an email. Turned out that we'd left on the lights of our rental car in the parking garage and someone had reported it to the front desk. Thanks to the heads up, we got the lights turned off and didn't start our trip late to things because of a dead battery. Whew.
4. Home. Traveling always makes me appreciate home more...my bed, the way my bathroom is set up, stuff like that. :) Don't get me wrong. I'm good about trying to embrace new experiences and mostly plan well enough to make things feel/run like home. I just definitely appreciate home. :)
5. The simplicity and ease of tea. When we travel, we generally need to take Nathan's coffee habit into consideration and plan around it a bit (which honestly isn't too difficult these days). I actually also have tea twice a day when he has coffee. Tea, though, is so much easier. :) Thankful for the ease of bringing my own tea and how uncomplicated it is to make.
6. HOV lanes. Remember that southern CA traffic? Yeah. It was no fun. Grateful for HOV lanes that allowed us at least mostly to have a bit of an advantage over the other lanes. Crazy that it just takes two people in a vehicle to qualify...that's a LOT of single occupant vehicles, people.
7. Mic packs. All of these college tours had tour guides with mic packs. (They each had a mic headset and then a speaker on a strap around their necks.) This was a first for me (and, between all of Micah's tours and Asher's and Noah's and my own, I've been on a lot of college tours, lol) and was appreciated. It was so much easier to hear the tour guide.
8. Sea level. Proud of myself for actually working out a couple times while we were on the road. And. So happy about being at sea level! :) So much more energy and oxygen at sea level. (Yes, I know this really just means I'm thankful that I'm used to living at altitude. The boost at sea level wouldn't be a boost without my normal being altitude. So maybe I'm thankful for living at altitude. You know what I mean.)
9. Colorado. Similar to being thankful for home when I'm away, this trip made me also thankful for my adopted home state of Colorado. Thankful for the CO traffic, the CO gas prices, and the CO humidity (or lack thereof) in particular.
10. Honing in on Micah's list. And, finally, thankful that this trip helped Micah to narrow down his college list. More than that, really, thankful for the conversations during our travels...so nice to have the dedicated time to talk things through and weigh things out and just delve into this college application process.
(And, since people are already asking, yes, he has favorites. We're realistic and pragmatic around here, though, and know that it will be dependent on where he gets accepted and what kind of aid is offered. So, stating a favorite seems like getting ahead of ourselves. Let's just leave it at this...visiting the colleges and talking things through has been very helpful in figuring out his priorities and strengths, and that's worth a lot. He's working hard on applications now and then it will be a waiting game.)
Plenty of other things that I'm thankful for, for sure, but those are my ten on this Tuesday. :)