Thankful Thursday, on Friday

Clearly I had a lot to share yesterday so I didn't get to my Thankful Thursday post. Since I definitely *am*'s my list a day late:
1. My haircut. Very thankful that I went ahead and had as much hair chopped as I did just before our trip. It was lovely not having to keep pulling it out from behind my backpack or worrying about it in the San Francisco wind.
2. Normal sized sinks. Not complaining but I just want to say that I appreciate normal sized sinks. The sink in our hotel was a quite small pedestal sink. ;P It was tricky not splashing water everywhere when washing my face, lol. Let's just say that I put an extra bath mat down below the sink during our stay.
3. Quiet. While I enjoy visiting new places and loved the convenience of our hotel location in San Francisco, I'm not crazy about city noise. Our hotel room was right on the street and I'm a light all of the boisterous conversations, street sweepers, garbage collection, cars playing loud music, emergency vehicles, etc were rather annoying to me. (The hotel actually provided ear plugs right on the night stands...which Nathan used...but I'm too paranoid about not being able to hear things.) So thankful for our beautifully quiet little neighborhood here. :)
4. Phone photography & editing. I'm often thankful for technological advances. Today I'm thankful for the quality and ease of taking photos and editing them with just my phone. I remember when I used to take photos on trips with my big camera and then had to wait until I got home to upload them to my computer so that I could go through and edit them. These days, I can just use my phone for both taking the pictures and editing I can have most (if not all) of my photo prep done before I even get home. Nice.
5. Public transportation. Sometimes on trips, we rent a car. San Francisco, though, suggested that renting a car wasn't the best option. (Yes, the city, itself, told me this, lol.) I'm thankful, then, that our location made it easy to just walk or take public transportation for everything. (Yes, we did take an Uber a couple times for speed, but we knew that public transportation would also have worked.) We also appreciated how easy it was to use the app to track buses/trains and the ability to use our phones to pay for everything.
6. Travel partner. I love Nathan. :) Beyond that, I'm so very thankful that Nathan and I travel so well together. We've done it enough now that we have our routine pretty well down...and that makes travel considerably nicer.
7. Asher's ankle. Unfortunately, Asher sprained his ankle Wednesday night (landing badly while flipping during taekwondo practice). A trip to Urgent Care yesterday verified that nothing's broken, but it's a decent sprain and Asher headed back to campus yesterday in a boot and hobbling. Hopefully he'll heal up okay and's not the most fun way to end the semester. Thankful, though, that this happened after Nationals and not before. Also, thankful that it's his left foot so he can still drive just fine.
So that's my list for now. :) Happy Friday to you all!