Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from September 1, 2008 - September 30, 2008


I'll do better...

Honest. :)

Sorry I've not been the best blogger of late, I know how that bothers some of you. ;) I'll try to make it more of a priority in October, okay? In the meantime, know that I've been keeping busy and off the computer...spending my time with the boys for the most part. Will take some pictures today and update things tomorrow...promise! 

ETA (edited to add): Yes, I know it's tomorrow (this still counts because I'm still awake, lol). It's been a long day with things like exploding diapers and full body hives, not to mention soccer practice, music class, the gym and the grocery store. Gotta crash now but will add an entry soon...


A few quick plugs...

1. First and foremost, happy, happy birthday to my awesome friend, Melissa! We've known each other since the first days of undergrad 15 years ago...we've shared a room and bathroom and closet...we announced our pregnancies within a week of each other, twice. Melissa teaches kindergarten and is simply a hero in my eyes. Yay, for you, Melissa!! Here's a picture of another mutual friend, Sarah, and Melissa (in blue) back in February:

2. September is almost over but don't forget to check out this Kit of the Month! I did some sample layouts using pieces from this kit and have to tell you that the complete kit has SOOOOO much more...I'm definitely looking forward to playing with it all, as soon as I find a spare minute or two. ;) Lookie here for some other samples of the kit in use!

3. If you don't have one already, get yourself a copy of Ali Edwards' latest book about mini albums! I finally had a few minutes to look at my copy recently and am simply so inspired. 

That was it for now. ;) Happy Thursday to all!

Oh, and thanks so much for your input about layout sizes!!


I'm curious...

For those who don't scrapbook, just ignore this post. :) For those who do, I'm curious...what size layouts do you do? (specifically...one page or two pagers? 12x12 or 8.5x11 or something else?) Is that the same size you prefer to see in publications? Please comment. :)


Recap of today...

8:30 am: Noah's soccer game started. Against a pretty tough team. We don't officially keep score at this age level anyhow, but after the first quarter, I didn't bother in any case. :) Needless to say, Noah wasn't thrilled. But, honestly, Noah's team worked better as a team, so that's something.

10:00 am: We stopped by a local bike store. Yesterday the boys and I rode bikes to the gym...well, Noah and Asher rode and I speed-walked pulling Micah in the wagon. It's about three-quarters of a mile each way...not bad at all, but not the most fun when speed-walking and pulling a wagon and chasing after the other two. So. We got to thinking that if we're going to encourage the boys to ride and all, it might be good if I had a bike also. I haven't had my own bike in, um, decades. I don't think I've ever picked out my own or even had one with hand brakes. We haven't decided to actually make the purchase yet, but it was great fun to try them out at the store. We think we know which one we want...now just convincing ourselves and looking for a good deal. Also want to find a trailer to pull Micah in...

1:30 pm: Asher's soccer game started. I love watching Asher's games. Not that I don't like watching Noah's games, of course, but the boys on Asher's team are just so happy...always smiling and laughing, really not that concerned about competition at all. It's hard to imagine that next year Asher will be playing in the division Noah currently is. (The divisions are by age so Noah ends up being one of the older kids in his division while Asher is one of the youngest (and smallest) in his.) Here's a picture of Asher:

3:00 pm: We let the boys play at the playground a bit after Asher's game. The fun ended when I was rudely stung by a wasp. It was totally unprovoked. I'm pretty sure that the entire insect kingdom is out to get me. Really. ;) I'm fine now, but that was just unnecessary.

3:30 pm: The boys wanted to play outside for a bit when we got home. Micah, when he leaves the house, is almost always accosted by the neighborhood girls. I came outside to find him "pinky promising" our neighbor something...not sure what but it earned him a hug. ;)

Meanwhile, Noah decided he was ready to try riding his bike without training wheels, though he was careful not to commit to anything and made sure we were aware that he fully intended to put the training wheels back on if need be. Which was totally fine with us...personally, I was pretty impressed that he was wanting to try in the first place. Obviously I had to be outside to take pictures on the off chance that he started riding on his own. I ended up with plenty of pictures like this:

In the end, we did put the training wheels back on, but we're so happy that he was willing to try. While the training wheels were off, I couldn't help myself and took a little ride on his bike:

5:00 pm: Very uncharacteristically, we took a family nap. Well, Micah, Nathan and I fell asleep and about an hour later the other two crashed downstairs in the middle of the family room. (Nathan knows this because Noah had continually been waking him up during that hour.)

7:30 pm: Nathan woke me up to tell me dinner was ready. I love him. :)

10:00 pm: After debating for an hour or so, we finally gave up and put everyone to bed. For us, this was earlier than normal by at least an hour. But we were all just exhausted... Yes. I'm still awake. The rest are all in bed now, but I'm going to try to get a bit of work done and still make it to bed before midnight, which will be like crazy early for me. ;)  Whew. Long day.



Yes, I'm still alive. Sorry I went missing there for a bit...got busy trying to get our homeschool year off to a good start and sorting out a balance between that and my scrapbooking. :) On the homeschooling front, things are going really well and I'm happy. Continually finding new resources (and wishing for more money for books, lol) and overall things are grand, though still totally a work in progress. On the scrapbooking front, sorting out details with Creating Keepsakes for various stuff and have a number of assignments in the works. Sigh...what I wouldn't give for more hours in the day (and more office space while I'm at it!)...

Added to that mix are our many out of the house activities...

- soccer is still going well (I'm working on scheduling the team photos (that I take) and ordering trophies...in charge of those things for both boys' teams)...
- music class continues to be a happy part of our week (realized yesterday that we've been attending Philomusica for five years now...wow)...
- religious ed classes should start for Noah and Asher in a couple weeks (called today to check again on scheduling...hoping the boys get the time slot I asked for, or else our schedule simply won't work)...
- I've managed to continue going to the gym three times a week (yay, me!!)...
- we've got a couple more field trips planned with our homeschool group this month...
- and our Options program continues to be a huge hit.

In other miscellany, we're starting to think about Halloween costumes (totally no consensus here yet), whether we want to try to give out something creative (we did glow necklaces a couple years ago that were a huge hit) or just settle for candy, if we should have Noah's birthday party at the house or find a different location (I'm leaning toward finding a different location), and plenty of other stuff. :) Please share if you have any opinions on any of those things.

So. Busy here. Will try to do better about posting, though. Working on getting into a scrapping groove enough that I have extra things to post here beyond assignments that I don't get to share right away. ;)

Oh. And last weekend the boys were having such a fabulous time with the neighborhood kids (can I just mention here again how much I love our neighborhood?!)...they were all out in our culdesaq making a "Chalk World" that covers, literally, the entire culdesaq. Impressive. Noah contributed ideas and drawings (like amusement parks and miniature golf courses), Asher got personalized tours, and Micah was the "color holder" (he had a little bucket of sidewalk chalk hanging from his trike handlebar and would deliver the appropriate color when asked). The girls even named a place after Micah...Cafe Del Micah. They also had places like Sports Authority, the ocean, and Bear Lake. Such a beautiful street we have...

Ah. Life is good. :)