I'm curious...

For those who don't scrapbook, just ignore this post. :) For those who do, I'm curious...what size layouts do you do? ( page or two pagers? 12x12 or 8.5x11 or something else?) Is that the same size you prefer to see in publications? Please comment. :)

Reader Comments (20)
I usually only do 12x12's, but I have done other sizes. In seeing what size is published, I don't think it matters because you can alter anything to fit what you want or need.
I do one page LO's 99.9% of the time! And mostly 12x12 but occasionally 8x8.
I like 12x12 and 9x9. I'm thinking of "adopting" the new(er) trend of mixing pages in one book, but not sure I can. I like the idea because some pages just beg for a different size, but I'm one of those people who likes things the same. Hard to leave the comfort zone! :)
I usually only do single page layouts in 12x12 and then I do mini albums. I do sometimes do 6x12 layouts, which are similar in format to two pagers, but those are rare! LOL! I like to do mini albums for the stuff that just needs a different format than the 12x12. That way I can go any direction the project leads me!
I do everything! If I had to choose what I do most often, it would probably be single page 12X12s.
I usually do 12 x 12 single layouts. I am trying to do some smaller ones though, just for interest. I prefer to see 12 x 12 layouts in publications though, that is what attracts me to the magazine. HTH
All of my layouts are 12x12 with the occassional smaller one. I mostly do 2 pagers but some single page layouts too.
I do 12x12's mostly, but I've actually started some smaller art-journal type things in 5x7, and I am really, really enjoying that size. I think I really struggle to fill up a whole 12x12 space in a fresh way each time. It seems like there are only 3 or 4 different ways you can arrange 4x6 photos in a 12x12 space. *laughs* Can you tell I am in a sort of rut? I think what I struggle with publication wise is so many of the 12x12 layouts in mags are 1 photo, and that's just ridiculous. (Much as I love the look, it's just not practical in a lot of ways).
i go back and forth between 12x12 and 8 1/2x11 layouts. i choose to create whatever i think fits the photos and my preferred embellishments the best. i almost always create one-pagers, but i am not against fact, i have a two-page spread in-progress on my desk right now! :)
in publication, i really like to see a good mix of both one and two-pagers. one-pagers b/c that is what i make the most and two-pagers, b/c they inspire me to make more!! :)
great questions!
I mostly do 12"x12" double page layouts. I have so much stock of papers and albums so I try to do those more. I have done 6"x6" and 8"x8" but it seems I have so much to say and too many pictures that I take that I prefer 12"x12"s.
In regards to seeing it in publications, it really doesn't matter to me, what size they use since I get more ideas out of it.
I do 12 x 12 single pages almost exclusively. For layout ideas that's what I prefer to see in the mags, but that's not to say that I can't be inspired by something cool done on a different size.
Hi Amanda! I'm strictly 12 x12. I need the room!
I do prefer to look at the same. I rarely do a double page spread but have on occasion depending on the amount of pictures.
I'm a 99% of the time 12x12 single page LO gal. And I like to see a variety of pages in publication to stretch my thinking. :)
I always do 12x12 - and mainly 2-page LOs. Love to see those in the mags because I run out of ideas sometimes. I enjoy doing 1-page LOs, but I find I have too many pictures to fit on one page.
I ALWays do 12 x 12 pages, except for mini albums or cards. If I see an 8X12 I love I figure out how to convert to 12 x 12. If I do albums I usually do 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 so I must be most comfortable with square pages.
I always do 12x12 Lo's. Whether it's a one or 2 pager just depends on the pictures I have for that event as I am a chronological scrapper. It doesn't really what is published as the "artsy" style right now can be easily duplicated or reduced as need be.
I do mostly 12" x 12" double page layouts most of the time. Just prefer to use more pictures than fit on single page layouts. It is so nice to see design ideas for 2 page layouts.I rarely do single pages because I can not stand to look at my books and see pages that are not similar in style. For gifts I frequently make 8"x8" albums
I do 8x8 and 8,5x11 layouts. Only single pages.
Lately, I've been doing more 1 page 8.5 x 11 layouts, but I've done lots of 2 page 12 x 12 layouts in the past.
I do mainly 12x12, 2 page layouts -- when I scrapbook for me. But I've been absolutely addicted to "mini scrapbooks" lately -- kits from CArol Wingert & Quick Quotes as well as classes at the local scrapbook store. I like them because I can tell a whole story, don't have to use all my pics, and can get them done in a weekend! I don't know when I made my last 12x12 layout...but I still say I'm a 12x12 scrapper.