1. A day late, but Happy Pi Day!! Yup, yesterday was 3.14, the approximate value for pi. Not only was I one of "those" people in school who actually thought pi was cool and tried to memorize it to like the 27th decimal place, but the day, itself, holds special significance for Nathan and me. You see, 19 years ago yesterday was the day we met. Yay us! To celebrate, Nathan took some time from work and we spent the first part of the day together...running errands and eating out and just enjoying time together (the boys, since it was Monday, were at Options). Not to repeat previous years' failures, we also set out to eat some pie. But. When it came down to it, we didn't find any pie that called our names more than these sweet little fruit tarts at Whole Foods. They're shaped like a pie, so that counts, right? ;)

(Here's an entry from a couple years ago. I promise I typed this entry before I went back to look at that one. It's just a very weird thing that I used such similar words, lol.)
2. Some of the errands that we ran yesterday were the "culmination" of what spring cleaning I've done this year. We dropped off a few boxes at Goodwill and some to local gently used places that buy stuff that was still in good condition. That was all. I went through the entire house and that's all I came up with. Call me weird, but I was strangely disappointed that I didn't have more spring cleaning to do. Apparently, I've done a good job over the past couple years of weeding stuff out and keeping the clutter down. Yay?
(Okay, disclaimer, I do still have a few boxes and items in the basement that I mean to sell. But I have to take pictures and list them on ebay and Craigslist and stuff and just haven't gotten around to that yet. But. It's all in one spot and the descriptions have actually already mostly been written up.)
3. If you haven't started your own spring cleaning yet, this blog has a fun weekly challenge sort of thing going on right now. Good luck! (I've been watching it but had already done the two challenges they've listed.)
4. Gonna give this grammar game a try this afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes. Mine mostly have the parts of speech figured out, but quicker recognition of them wouldn't hurt. ;)
5. I bought/pre-ordered this book yesterday. Given our current enthusiasm about geography, I figure it'll be a nice addition to our collection and know the boys will enjoy the nice bite-sized chunks of information. I'm thinking that even just reading a page a day would be fun.
6. Yesterday, for Asher's karate class, they had a special "board break" day that they only do once (??) a year. At the end of class, they worked on strength moves and then got to try them out on breaking these special boards (they're pre-broken but it still takes some momentum to break them apart each time). Asher didn't care for the kicking moves too much, but did enjoy the elbow break move. :)
7. I've added some more links up above under linkety link links in case you're interested. (Let me know if you have any others to recommend!)
8. Question. How do you show three homeschooled boys more clearly that they're in different "classes" when many of your lessons occur altogether? For time and efficiency reasons, I tend to do many subjects with all three boys together. I expect different levels of understanding and work from them, but they're still done at the same time. What I'm finding lately, though, is that they're comparing themselves to each other a bit too much. I'm working on finding ways to show Micah that he shouldn't be distraught if he can't do the same things as Noah...and on ways to motivate Noah to want to do more beyond what his brothers are doing (as he's presently quite content, feeling that he's at the "top of the class"). Any ideas?
9. Another question. Would love any ideas on how to review/reinforce spelling words *other* than written and/or verbal spelling "tests"...This has been our first real year of doing spelling and it's going well for the most part. I'd love to be able to go back and review more often without it feeling like a test, though.
10. Yes, the boys have settled on names for their countries and plenty more. I'll save that for another post. :)
Hope your Tuesday is as beautiful as it is here!