Trip to Washington

So. I was in Washington for awhile. :) Back on January 20, I flew to Spokane. My mom and youngest sister (Cas) picked me up at the airport and my middle sister (Bekah) met us, and the four of us had a fun morning/afternoon at the Davenport Spa before picking up Cas' boys from school.
The next day, Cas and her husband flew out to South Carolina and Florida for a trade show for Cas' women's golf clothing company, Calliope. My mom drove the 2.5 hours back to her house. Bekah and I stayed and watched the boys. We were good aunts and treated each boy to some individual time and enjoyed them together, too. We got them to and from school, played games together, and kept them fed and bathed and alive. While the boys were in school, Bekah did some work (she works remotely so was still working all week) and we got to also have some sister time talking and shopping and watching shows.
On Wednesday morning (after getting boys to school), I headed out and drove to my mom's house while Bekah's youngest (who's 17) drove up to help her out with the boys. Cas' husband got home late Thursday, and Bekah and her son left Friday morning after boys got to school. (Bekah stopped at mom's house on her way home so I got to see her one more time, too.) Cas got home late Friday.
Meanwhile, my mom and I worked to get some of her paperwork in order and go through a number of things. She fed me and we did some shopping for things she needed and we went to Friday morning Mass and the breakfast at the church afterward. We also visited with my gram (who's 101 and counting!) a couple times and got a few more interesting stories out of her. Saturday, we finished up a few last things and then I drove back up to Spokane and got to hang out with Cas and her family a bit more.
Sunday morning, the boys and I rode the Riverfront Park Carousel (which has since been refurbished but was there when I lived in Spokane for college back in the 90's). I was stoked to finally be able to reach the rings, lol. We then hit a cool toy store, had lunch at a mini-golf restaurant (fun and great for active boys who don't like to just wait for their food), and got ice cream at the mall nearby. Then, they all dropped me off at the airport and I finally headed home. Nathan picked me up, we stopped for dinner, and I finally saw all my guys again Sunday night. :)
Here are some pictures:
So. It was a busy time. My guys are all totally self-sufficient and did their thing while I was gone and kept everything running smoothly at home. I appreciate that and that I had the ability to go help out and spend some time with my sisters and nephews and mom and gram.
And now I'm home and have caught up on my own laundry and such and am ready to head into February tomorrow. Whew. :)