1. I need a fox. A week or so ago, I discovered that our neighborhood rabbits really like some of the plants we had so carefully planted out front. Apparently, the rabbit population in our neighborhood is high this year, as a number of our neighbors have also been having problems. Upon talking with them and thinking on it, we used to have some foxes in the neighborhood. I haven't seen any lately. Do you suppose I could call animal control and have them drop a fox or two in our parts? ;)
In the meantime...two things. First, thankfully the nursery we bought the plants from has a one year guarantee so we went and exchanged our poor eaten plants for new (hopefully rabbit-resistant) plants. Two, I read somewhere that pepper repels rabbits so have been sprinkling both black pepper and red pepper flakes around the remaining plant we have that matches the ones eaten by the rabbits. So far it's doing well. Fingers crossed.
2. While exchanging plants to replace our poor eaten ones, we also bought more for a few more pots for out front now that the last bush is gone. I've assured Nathan I'm mostly done (with the front yard, excluding wanting a new front door and such, lol) for now. ;)

3. My youngest two regaled me with their newfound skill yesterday. Yup. They can burp the alphabet. I'm so proud. ;)
4. I mailed off our completed PASS tests for the year yesterday! Whew. Glad to have that just done. (I administer the PASS tests every other year as a means of meeting the homeschool law testing requirement here in Colorado. I don't actually much care about the tests, as I already have a very good idea what the boys know and don't know, lol.)
5. Randomly, Micah has decided to start drawing Pokemon characters. He's not bad. :) I'll take some pictures soon. He's already got almost a dozen.
6. Though he's miffed at the rabbits now, Micah continues to try to get close enough to hug them. Well. He alternates between trying to hug them and chasing them away with enthusiasm, lol. His latest tactic is to use his stuffies...holding one out in front of him in the hopes that the stuffie is less intimidating than the boy. It actually appears to work a bit...as he's gotten much closer (like within a foot) than ever before. He's still not succeeded in catching any, though. (I've pointed out that we have plenty of friends with rabbits who would be happy to let him hold them. He's stubbornly continuing to try to catch the neighborhood rabbits.)
7. Last week, I finally had a chance to go see the movie "
Mom's Night Out" with friends. It was co-written/directed/produced by a homeschooler and is a touching, hilarious, fun story. If you can still find it in a theater, go see it!
8. Nathan and the boys bought the supplies to make a simple fire pit in the backyard. The goal is to finish that up in the evenings this week. I'll keep you posted. :)
9. I actually did some "back to school" shopping with Noah today. I know it's still only June, but I had one of those super cash coupon things that expires tomorrow, so we went and picked up some more tees, a hoodie and some khakis (that he'll need for JOAD). I know I joke about how he's a pretty picky dresser and all, but I have to admit that he's pretty easy to shop with...his very specific requirements limit the selections quickly, lol. So. It's easy to tell when we're done looking.
10. Noah got his new bow today. He's happy...

This one *should* fit him for years, and he's got it mostly all tweaked the way he wants it for now.