Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries in Lists of Me (14)


The end.

Whew. Thanks for hanging with me as I finally finish these Lists of Me album layouts. I thought, momentarily, about tackling this project again for 2010 but opted to take a break. It's such a fun format, though, that I'll likely do it again! 

In any case, here are the final five layouts:

 (This one was for my dad's birthday.)

(Totally inspired by Cathy Z, folks!)

And that's all. :) Thanks!


The home stretch...

Almost to the end of 2009 with my lists now...

(Sorry, I blurred the actual addresses on this one...)

(This is one that actually got completed out of order and has been shared here already...used the awesome Paper Posies kit back in November for this one.)

And that, my friends, brings us *almost* to the end of this 52 layout album...:)


And yet more Lists of Me...

Are you bored yet? ;)

I think this last one is one of my favorites, simply because it was so fun thinking up super powers that I'd like...;) What super powers do *you* wish you had? Really. I'd love to know!

(I'll give you a break over the weekend and be back to finish up the year at the start of next week...)


More Lists of Me...

As promised, here's the next batch...

(Yes, you can probably tell this was around the start of soccer season...LOL!)

Ta-da! Stay tuned tomorrow for another slew! (So happy, btw, to finally have finished this project...I love how it turned out and how it presents a nice slice of life look into "me"...will be nice for the boys to look through years from now.)

And, thanks for all the book recommendations! And, Jen, yes, I print stuff out before-hand and just embellish at crops when I go. Crops usually go one of two ways for me...1) I actually get my act together ahead of time and print and prep pages that then essentially just need assembly or 2) I end up sitting and talking and shopping. ;) Both are fabulous.


Lists of Me

So. I kinda fell off the scrapbooking bandwagon for a bit there, didn't I? ;) Sorry about that. To make up for some of it, I hereby present to you a batch of layouts I've recently finished for my Lists of Me album that I decided to undertake last year. While I was good about creating the lists, I wasn't very good about turning those into layouts. ;) The last time I posted some was back in July (yikes!). In any case, here are the next five lists after those that I posted in July:

As I said, I wrote the lists as I went along (one a week, roughly). So, these lists were written around July/August of last year. Since I don't want to overload on images (and because it feels nice to have something to post more often), check back tomorrow for the next batch! :)