Five on Friday.

Just five quick, unrelated things to share. :)
1. If you haven't already, be sure to check out Cathy Z's giveaway post today! That 25 Days of Templates class looks awesome (and I don't just say that because Tiffany rocks)! I hate to admit it, but digital scrapbooking has really started drawing me in lately (not that I've done much, but I'm becoming more and more aware of the ease of it all, and that appeals to me).
2. Micah went to a birthday party last night and promptly declared it "the best thing I've ever done in my whole life!" Yup, that's 4 year old enthusiasm for you. :) To be fair, it really was a fun party...14 mostly four or five year old boys playing in a giant ball pit, running obstacle courses and playing running games and then getting pizza, cake and ice cream. Doesn't get much better. The boy didn't stop smiling all night and woke up today still talking about it. (Meanwhile, Noah and Asher got to go to a friend's house for a play date and had a blast, themselves. So fortunate to have good friends like that!)
3. I don't think I've yet documented the power of the purple lego cone. For some unknown reason, the boys have developed their own little hierarchy of the relative "power" of different lego pieces. Purple cones are the most powerful. Probably because they're the most rare...haven't been able to find them by the piece (like many of the other legos) but they're available in kits like this one (photo courtesy of the Lego website):
Yup, the boys covet those transparent purple cone pieces. Makes me laugh. ;) Oh, I just asked Noah and he says it has something to do with ultraviolet rays and the power of light. (He explained it better, obviously.) If, by any chance, you come across any stray purple cones that need a home, I find myself now on the lookout for some. ;)
4. I've been noticing a bunch of people documenting things they're thankful for daily this month. Just wanted to chime in that I don't do this daily but have, in fact, documented 30 things I'm thankful for right now (beyond the obvious):
Yes, I'm still doing my weekly Lists of Me album. Yes, I'm embarrassingly behind on sharing those here. I'll work on it...promise! In the meantime, be happy that I'm remembering to share this one (which is for the most recently completed week). :) (By the way, I also happen to have done this layout using the November Paper Posies kit and am hosting their challenge this week...check it out!)
5. I'm so excited about scrapping with some friends tomorrow at the fabulous Treasure Box scrapbooking store, just minutes from my home. It's gonna be awesome! Just me, an entire store full of supplies to oogle, and good friends to share it all with! Hoping to get a jump on some holiday projects...wish me luck!
Okay, that's five. ;) I'll stop for now.

Reader Comments (2)
Love the list! Especially #28.....they don't seem to have those out here. Miss them like crazy!
I love this list. I have checked out your blog from time to time and I really enjoy it because of your attitude about life. Love the Lists of Me. I have done a couple, but I need to move it higher on my lists of projects. Thanks for blogging and sharing.
Karen G