Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from March 1, 2010 - March 31, 2010


Weird question...

...or not so weird. Depends. Anyhow. Asher and Micah were (as is often the case lately) discussing Star Wars just now and got to pondering exactly why Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side. They were also wondering how Padme Amidala dies. Then, they theorized that perhaps Anakin was so torn up about Padme dying that he turned to the dark side. Sounds plausible. I'd honestly never given it any thought. So. Do any of you die hard Star Wars fans happen to know? Is that why he turns into Darth Vader?

(will be back soon with more trip pictures and all that...really!)


Getting there...

Okay. Finally. Here's a recap of the first three days of our "spring break" trip...

DAY 1: Finally finished all the packing and prep and got out the door at about 10:30. As we stepped out the door to load up, Asher loudly proclaimed “we’re going to LegoLand!” I didn’t see, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d jumped in the air and clicked his heels together. ;) We stopped at Eagle, CO for a picnic lunch and some snowball fights then continued on toward Utah. We’d intended to stop at Arches and stay in Moab for the night, but the lovely sleet storm that met us in Utah changed our plans…leading us to continue on to Monticello, Utah. Along the way, we enjoyed trying to look at the rock formations (when the weather allowed). While Noah and Micah napped, Asher saw one that apparently looked “like a giant Chewbacca face.” (The boys have Star Wars on the brain, I tell ya!) Overall, the boys did a great job traveling considering this is, I think, the longest they've been in the car before.

DAY 2: We got an earlier start and headed toward the Four Corners, having decided that the roughly 2 hour detour was worth the stop. Along the way, we theorized about rock formations (I say “land shark” Noah says “giant scorpion” Asher says “land of the Ewoks”) and learned about driving a “responsible speed.” (Let's just say that the boys are fairly safety conscious backseat drivers and that Nathan enjoys playing on this.) Unfortunately, upon arriving at the Four Corners, we were met by this sign...

Who knew? Micah was so miffed he actually stomped his foot. Sigh. Lesson learned...don't assume places will be open.

Moving on, we drove for a bit and stopped at a McDonalds for a quick snack and to let the boys run off some steam in the play area. While there, completely randomly, Micah asked me “what goes behind ‘ala’?” My reply was a blank stare while I racked my brain trying to think. Asher saved me and piped up, “’docious’!” Of course. ;) Continuing on, we made it to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, took in the view from the Watchtower (having climbed all of its 85 steps to the top), ate a picnic lunch and caught the shuttle out to Pima Point. We then hiked/walked the mile from there to Hermits Point (the easternmost point the shuttles reached), playing in the snow along the way. It was along that walk that Micah asked his first “are we there yet?” of the trip. Upon returning via shuttle, we grabbed some dinner at the Arizona Room restaurant inside the park before finally leaving the Grand Canyon at about 9:20 pm. I asked the boys what they thought of the Grand Canyon. Micah said, “’grand’ means, basically, like ‘big.’” The other two gave similar descriptions of how it was a really big crack in the earth. ;) We stopped for the night just outside the park. Here are a few of the many pictures:

: Since the hotel actually had a decent breakfast, we got a bit later start and started our day of driving around 10 am. We drove through the local airport and stopped briefly at the Planes of Fame museum just south of there before continuing on our way, heading east on I-40. We took a slight detour to drive for a bit on the historic Route 66 (regretting not bringing the “Cars” movie). It wasn’t much to look at but they did have fun red sign messages and Giganticus Headicus. My favorite of the red sign series was “cattle crossing…means go slow…that old bull…is some cow’s beau” and they all finished with a sign by “Burma shave” who apparently was the sponsor. (Unsure if these were vintage ads or replicas) In any case, the boys were unimpressed, with the possible exception of Giganticus Headicus, a random roadside sculpture made to look like an Easter Island tiki face. Noah and Micah even stuck their heads up one of the nostrils. ;)

Stopped for lunch in Kingman, AZ and then continued on…with another quick jaunt off the main trek to visit London Bridge in Lake Havasu City. We got out and stretched, watched the water birds and walked across the bridge and back.

(Yes, playing with Photoshop actions by The Pioneer Woman again on that last picture. ;) Fun!)

After that, it was all travel…crossing into California at 4:22 MST and driving through the Mohave Desert and into southern California. We made it to Oceanside around 8:30 pm (PST now) where the boys were happy to see Grandma and Grandpa (who arrived before us, having flown from Washington) and to finally be “home” for the next five days. From Fort Collins to Oceanside (by not the most direct route)…1375 miles. 

And that, my friends, was the first three days of our trip. ;) Thanks for reading if you made it this far, lol. I promise one day to scrapbook again. Honest. ;)


Baby brother...

(Thank you so much for the thoughts on garage sales! I think we'll shoot for a Sunday-only sale sometime in April and will let you local folks know in advance.)

Sorry to have gone missing there for a bit. My baby brother was visiting. :) He made his famous sugar cookies with the boys and my niece Makenna (daughter of our other brother, Zach, who lives nearby...both helped frost the cookies)...Joe (my baby brother) is the tall one...Zach's not as tall, LOL...

While he was here, he also got to enjoy our annual spring snow storm, lol. Made him shovel snow with the boys Tuesday night but he also got to play in the sunshine the next day. It was weirdly warm, and Noah and I built a snow whale...

Truly. Even for Colorado, it was weird. Monday was nearly 70 and gorgeous...we made cookies and hung out in the backyard. Tuesday was blustery and around 32 degrees all day...we watched the snow fall from indoors. Wednesday was warm again and sunny...we played in the snow without jackets. So. That's what's been going on this week. Just me and my brothers:

(Was playing with some of The Pioneer Woman's Photoshop actions on this last one...fun!)

Hang tight and I'll bring you the first few days of our vacation shortly, okay?


Quick survey...

Help me out, pretty please? Now that we've sorted and purged a good bit of the house (again), we're anxious to have a garage sale (so that we can reclaim our front room which is currently packed full with piles of boxes). Please comment with your thoughts to these questions...

  1. Would this coming weekend (March 27) be too early in the season for a garage sale? (those who aren't local, keep in mind that we have snow currently, though we're hopeful it will melt shortly)
  2. If so (or if rain/snow made that impractical), would a Sunday-only garage sale be a flop? (due to soccer season and games every Saturday between April 3 and May 22, this is obviously a concern)
  3. Would it be weird to do a Saturday/Sunday garage sale where it doesn't start until after noon on Saturday? (again, due to soccer games)

Obviously, the primary goal is to get rid of stuff, but it wouldn't hurt if we could do well with making a few bucks to help offset ongoing home projects, kwim? So. We'd like to set out to have as successful a sale as we can...while still being realistic and recognizing that we really don't want to wait until May 8 (which would be the only Saturday where the boys' soccer games won't overlap such that one of us could still stay home and man the garage sale) or June.

All thoughts welcome and appreciated! :)


While you're waiting...

...for me to get my act together and finish editing vacation photos and all, allow me to share with you a few random things:

- The other day Micah randomly asked me "how many more days until the early future?" How does one answer that? Seriously. Where does the kid get these things? ;) Acting on experience, I turned to his brothers and asked them. Asher's surprisingly prompt reply? "More than 743 and less than 2532." I'm glad someone knew. (This, btw, seemed to satisfy Micah perfectly.)

- Today, then, the boy turned to me and said, "I wonder if the sun is a boy or a girl." I asked him what he thought (always a good route to go when he starts down these paths). He said, "I think a boy." Obviously, I then asked why. "Because boys, hmmm...and girls that you love...keep you alive...just like the sun." Strange but true, folks. I love the part about "girls that you love"...apparently other girls don't count. ;)

- If anyone can explain to me why today's high was in the high 60s and tomorrow's high is supposed to be about freezing, please do. And if we get the 6-12 inches of snow that's reported, I'd like to formally request that that be the end of that until soccer season is over. So there.

- Soccer season starts next week. Really.

- I *think* I may have finally made up my mind about bedding for the guest room in the basement. I know you were all anxiously awaiting that, LOL! 

Okay, that's enough for now. :)