Whew. Okay, trying to just knock these all out so I can cross them off my to-do list, lol. Here's the rest of what we've got planned:
ART: I'm going to do better this year. Honest. ;) I've got You Can Draw in 30 Days and two boys who are actually enthusiastic about learning it. In lesson 8, we get to learn to draw koalas!
MUSIC: Asher has Guitar 2 at Options this year, and Micah assures me that he's going to practice piano on his own. :) (Noah, fwiw, still plays both guitar and piano on his own and will be enlisted to help his brothers.)
PE: Both Asher and Micah have PE at Options. They both also have karate classes twice a week plus one or two additional practices for demo team and other additional training. Micah and Noah will also have JOAD (archery tournament team) twice a week (once with the team and once on their own), and Noah will also have swim team (and walks to and from school every day). I think we have PE covered, lol.
CURSIVE/TYPING: This is a work in progress when time allows. We still use Type Fu to practice typing. I'm going to revisit cursive this year, too. I'm not actually as concerned that they learn to write cursive (though that would be lovely) as that they know how to *read* cursive. I'm finding that it's an unanticipated lesson needed.
CURRENT EVENTS: I found an app called Student News Daily that does a nice job of selecting news to discuss with kids. Beyond my normal talking with boys throughout the week as things come up, I'm going to use this to more intentionally start discussions.
Okey-dokey. That's pretty much our plan. Yay! (Will update my curriculum pages on the left soon...)