2013-14 Homeschool Plan: Science

Moving on from the subjects we do independently to those we do as a group...
Last year, we used Elemental Science...the Intermediate Earth Science & Astronomy unit. It went pretty well and covered a good variety of stuff, but just wasn't as challenging as we needed.
Next year for science, our plan is as follows:
We'll start with Human Body Detectives, completing the Circulatory and Nutrition units during our first six week session. (We've already done the Digestive and Immune System units. I think I like them, though I find the organization of the lessons a tiny bit confusing. I haven't been doing all of the activities (as my boys would really rather not color and things like that) but like that the program makes them available.)
After that, we'll spend a couple of sessions on Ellen McHenry's The Elements program. I haven't used this before but have heard good things. From the samples I've been able to see, I think it will be a nice challenge for us.
Finally, we'll follow that up with Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry. Same as above. ;)
I think we'll end up with a session free so am thinking I'll assign individual research or projects.

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