Weirdly quiet Halloween

Sigh. These boys are getting older and it's resulting in a quiet Halloween season around here.
Noah hasn't trick-or-treated in years and doesn't have any plans to change that away at college. ;) (He actually had some thoughts but then realized he would have to explain the costume to people and didn't want to do that, lol.)
Asher & Micah thought maybe they were done with trick-or-treating this year. But then they were invited to go with some friends, and this is what we ended up with:
Micah's shirt says "it happens" and Asher's says "I'm a palindrome. T-A-C-O-C-A-T." According to the boys, the masks were very comfortable...which was a selling point for them. They're already gone for the night, and I'm assuming they'll have a great time.
Not sure what to expect here in the way of trick-or-treaters. In years past, we've had around a hundred. Last year, it was *maybe* a dozen. It feels like it's definitely dwindling, and it's a school night this year. Given that, I opted for full size candy this year...
...because when we have a cauldron of the little candies, it's too easy to just grab some and keep eating them. So, we're trying this approach and will see how it goes. :)
(Also, we didn't do any decorations at all this year. I continually offered and was told not to bother. :( I even sent some decorations to Noah...and am guessing they're still sitting in their packaging.)
Oh! And, this past Saturday, Asher & Micah joined most of their demo team at an outdoor haunted house:
It's not a great photo (very low light and was trying to be quick...Asher & Micah are on the far left) but this is just after we dropped off boys. The group of them went through the haunted house together and hung out until we picked them up. By all accounts, a fantastic time. :)
And, yeah, I'm sure the haunted house wasn't quiet, lol. But our time between dropping them off and picking them up was. So, happy quiet Halloween to you all!