Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from September 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007


Knights are more skilled.

Than Musketeers apparently.

The boys watched a Mickey Mouse version of the Three Musketeers the other day and now are fully immersed in pretending to be Musketeers and, for some unknown reason, Knights. Somehow Noah decided to compare the two and they've decided that Asher can be a Musketeer and protect the king but Noah is older and more skilled and, thus, is a Knight instead.  I gave up on the whole potential history lesson to be had and will get back to it later...gonna just let them be for now.

On the plus side, it doesn't seem to have deterred them from their intent to all be cowboys for Halloween. Whew, as I've already started collecting things for their costumes. So, what are your kids (or you) going as this year? 

ETA: The boys just informed me that Micah has now moved up from just baby brother to Musketeer...Ash was promoted to Knight...and Noah, apparently, is King. I, of course, am the evil witch half the time and the Queen the other half. (Honest, this is what they said.) Weirdos. :) 



Okay. So I don't know precisely how you'd spell it, but this is what I'm going with. It's the sound Micah makes when he "blasts off" pretty much anything that remotely resembles a plane. Here's a quick layout I just finished about his love of things that fly (I'm sure there will be more as he looks to be obsessed with planes in the same way his brothers were taken with trains).


Incidentally, this layout uses stuff from the September kit over at Those Were The Days. The site is actually going to be taking a break for awhile, so get these kits while you can! I love this particular kit but also adored previous months...some of which are still available. Check it out. :) 

Oh. And you two RAK winners...email me back already. These goodies are burning a hole in my hubby's office! :) 


I didn't forget...

Ugh. I promised some scrappy-ness over the weekend and haven't delivered. I didn't forget. I ran out of photo ink and haven't had time to go get more. Bleh. Sorry about that! I really will do some scrapping this week and post it. Honest. :)

One other little note...I've been reorganizing and purging the house (especially unused toys) and swapping out summer clothes for fall ones this past week.  It's such a wonderful feeling to do that every so often. But. In swapping around the boys' clothes, I made a startling discovery. My Noah is growing up on me. As is to be expected with three boys, we mostly just pass the clothes down from one to the next...picking up a few new things for each boy every now and again, right? So, obviously, Noah benefits from this being the biggest. And he just keeps growing on me. Not that he's huge by any means, but he keeps outgrowing these clothes. As I was on the lookout for some good deals to add to his wardrobe at the store the other day it suddenly dawned on me...I can't shop in the "little boy section" any more for him. I have to head to the "big boy" section. Sniff. I told ya. He's growing up. (And, incidentally, Asher better get a move on...Micah's wearing almost the same size shirts already!)


Thanks all!

First of all, thank you all so very much for your comments and thoughts! I truly appreciate your input and especially thank you for sharing your own stories with me. Hugs to all who have lost someone!!

Secondly, both Noah and Asher (of course) wanted to pick a name so I have two RAK winners:  Gladys (Oreosmom/CKMB) and  Jennifer (Jingle/CKMB). Congrats! I'll email you later today/tonight, okay?

Well, I have to jet right now...full day planned. I'll be back this weekend, though, with some scrappy goodness (not memorial album related probably but fun nonetheless) so be sure to check back! Thanks! 


Fortune Cookie and a RAK...

I'm probably weird, but I tend to keep the fortunes out of fortune cookies. I have a nice little stash of them. I don't know why. I even made a little tin to keep them in...really. So. I was gathering up a few off my desk to put into the tin last night and came across one that said this:

"The cure for grief is motion."

Dude. That's so true and so me. I *do* tend to deal with grief by doing...by filling my time with things on my to do list. That's pretty much what I've been doing since I returned home from Washington after my dad died last month. I'm finally reaching a point, though, where I'm not "behind" so much any more and can start looking at the things on my to do list that I simply want to do. One of them is making a memorial album about my dad. I want to make one that I can make copies of for my brothers, sisters and mom. I want to include lots of photos but also journaling of stories and anecdotes and the like. My question, for you, then, is this...from whose perspective do I write? If it were just for me, I'd probably make the album in my voice as if talking to my boys...after all, it's  a story I want/need to tell them. But, what do you think about it if I'm making them for my siblings and mom? (Yo. Mom and siblings...if you have an opinion, chime in!)

So, pretty please post me a comment here or email me and let me know what you think! I'd also LOVE any suggestions, reminders, or ideas on what to remember to include in memorial albums in general.

Because I've also happened to be in a purging mood of late (seriously, I managed to weed out boxes of toys from the boys' stuff and heaps of scrap stuff and I'm actually wanting to do the basement storage area also, LOL), I'm offering up a dandy RAK (haven't decided precisely what it will be, but it'll be cool)! On Friday, I'll pull a name from those who post or email.

(Please note, you'll either need to let me know your email address up front (like in the comment or by emailing me) or be sure to check back here this weekend to know if you won. My comments section doesn't track email addresses or anything so I have no way of getting back in touch with you unless you tell me. :) Thanks!)