I didn't forget...

Ugh. I promised some scrappy-ness over the weekend and haven't delivered. I didn't forget. I ran out of photo ink and haven't had time to go get more. Bleh. Sorry about that! I really will do some scrapping this week and post it. Honest. :)
One other little note...I've been reorganizing and purging the house (especially unused toys) and swapping out summer clothes for fall ones this past week. It's such a wonderful feeling to do that every so often. But. In swapping around the boys' clothes, I made a startling discovery. My Noah is growing up on me. As is to be expected with three boys, we mostly just pass the clothes down from one to the next...picking up a few new things for each boy every now and again, right? So, obviously, Noah benefits from this being the biggest. And he just keeps growing on me. Not that he's huge by any means, but he keeps outgrowing these clothes. As I was on the lookout for some good deals to add to his wardrobe at the store the other day it suddenly dawned on me...I can't shop in the "little boy section" any more for him. I have to head to the "big boy" section. Sniff. I told ya. He's growing up. (And, incidentally, Asher better get a move on...Micah's wearing almost the same size shirts already!)
Reader Comments (1)
funny how that happens sometimes without our knowing it and then other times right in front of us....