Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024


Thankful Thursday

Happy Halloween, y'all! No big goings-on here. The guy across the street has gone crazy with inflatables again. Asher and Micah are busy with college. Noah wore a costume to work today. That's pretty much it. :)

Today's Thankful Thursday is just one main thing. Today, I'm just very appreciative for fall...and fall leaves. I love fall. And every year, I try to take fall leaves pictures with the boys. (I started gathering them all in one place but haven't finished yet.) This year, though, we haven't all been in the same place while the leaves have been fall-y. So. I tasked everyone with taking his own photo, and this is what I got...

Asher climbed a very tall tree here in town while OneWheeling with a friend. Noah took his shot while hiking to a lake on Longs Peak. Micah finally got some fall color down in Boulder last week. (His photo is taken just across the street from one of his jobs.) And Nathan and I found fall colors in Wind Cave National Park at the start of the month and in our neighborhood park recently. 

So thankful for the beauty of fall...and for the fact that this year's season has lasted as long as it has here. (It's been gorgeous all of October! Some years the fall colors have only lasted days or a week, so this is fabulously appreciated.) 

Okay, that's it. Super thankful. Giving out full sized candy tonight so that I'm not as tempted by little snack size candies. Happy day, everyone!


Thankful Thursday

A quick and random list today...

1. Friends. Last month, I got together with Melissa & Molly to celebrate a milestone birthday for Melissa. We caught up and shopped and ate and just enjoyed being together.

I've known these women for more than 30 years and am so very blessed to have them in my life and so tremendously thankful that they both also live in Colorado so we can see each other at least some. 

2. Checking things off the list. After Nathan and I returned from South Dakota, we got to scratch two more national parks off our list:

Making progress but still have a good ways to go. :) (To be honest, we realize it's unlikely we'll finish this particular list but like having the goal regardless.)

3. My office. In case you're wondering, I'm really enjoying my reorganized office. :) The standing desk is working out well and I'm so appreciative of the decreased clutter. It's like a breath of fresh air.

4. Dragon & squirrel friendships. In cleaning out my office, Nathan decided this metal dragon deserved relocation and has been using it to play with the squirrels. Initially, it freaked them out a bit (which was hilarious). But, they've adopted him into their community and are even willing to "kiss" him when Nathan sticks a walnut in his mouth, lol.

It's the little things. ;) 

5. Furnace motor. You may remember that our AC went out back in July. We were slated to be able to finish the fix properly with the new motor that was back-ordered until the end of August. But. When I called about that, it turned out that the date had been pushed to November. So the fabulous tech (Jason Lynn at FC Heating & Air) came out again and wired it to make sure we'd be able to also temporarily have heat while we waited. But. It turns out that didn't work...and when we called about that, the motor date had been pushed to January or February. So, Jason was a rock star and called around until he found a fellow tech who happened to have the actual motor we needed (still new in box) in his basement at home. And on Tuesday he brought it out and installed it and now our AC/heat is working properly again and it's lovely. So thankful for Jason and for a system that works!

And that's my list for today. :) 


Badlands & more

Last night, Nathan and I got home from a quick trip to South Dakota. It was a fun and quick little road trip to add more national parks to our list.

We started out on Wednesday morning and drove to Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Devil's Tower was the country's first National Monument and was pretty impressive. We did the short trail around the tower...enjoying the massive boulder field, the prayer flags/fabric strips, and the amazing geologic formations. We saw climbers in the distance and wondered about what must have been a massive wind storm that had snapped many trees recently. (We'd have asked a ranger but couldn't find one while we were there.)

From there, we drove into Rapid City, SD, found our AirBNB, and walked a couple blocks to a great brew pub where we ate way too much. Seriously. It was delicious but just too much.

Thursday morning, we enjoyed the wonderful coffee shop literally on the other side of the building from our AirBNB then set out for the South Dakota Air & Space Museum, which was an unexpected surprise that we discovered on a billboard while driving into Rapid City. We didn't take many photos but enjoyed their extensive collection...

From there, we continued on to Badlands National Park. We were sad to discover that the Notch Trail was closed (for our protection?) but went ahead and hiked a portion of the Castle Trail before continuing on to lunch at the Cedar Pass Lodge Restaurant (we recommend the Famous Indian Tacos on fry bread), some time learning at the visitors center and then some more wandering in the park.

Mid-afternoon, we ventured out of the park to Wall Drug, where Nathan tried their famous 5 cent coffee (it was not to his standards, lol). We browsed a bit before heading back into the park. (We'd actually been to Wall Drug when we moved from Washington to North Carolina back in 1998. It hadn't changed much, lol, but we appreciated all of their many roadside signs for miles and miles.) 

Throughout the day, I joked that I needed to get pictures of all three boys' college mascots...ram (for Noah and CSU), bear (for Asher and UNC) and buffalo (for Micah and CU Boulder). We saw actual buffalo and rams but had to settle for a stuffed bear at Wall Drug. :) We did see plenty of prairie dogs (which we decided to dub the "bears of the rodent kingdom" or "dirt bears"), lol. Does that count? And. On Wednesday, at one of our stops for gas, Nathan found a toy T-Rex that I adopted and brought along on our travels. 

After sunset, we got dinner in Wall, SD (at the Salty Steer) then drove back to our AirBNB in Rapid City.

Friday morning we checked out of our fabulous AirBNB (top three photos below) and hit our favored coffee shop, Harriet & Oak (bottom photo below). 

We took a scenic drive through Custer State Park and stopped in Wind Cave National Park. Unfortunately, the cave tours aren't going right now (which I knew in advance--they're replacing the elevators) so we hit the visitors center exhibits, saw a natural entrance to the caves and did the Cold Brook Canyon hike.

The hike was lovely. We appreciated the utter quiet and having the trail entirely to ourselves...aside from the plentiful prairie dogs and the bison waiting for us at our car when we got back. (The antelope photo was from inside Custer State Park.) We were also quite impressed by the information we read at the visitors center and may have to make a repeat visit to actually do a cave tour in the future.

(Side note to say that we've been to Mt Rushmore years ago with the boys and years before that while we were moving cross-country, so we didn't bother stopping there on this trip. We'd also opted to tour Jewel Cave with the boys on that trip but hadn't been to Wind Cave (my guess is that we chose Jewel Cave due to maybe a shorter tour, more appropriate for the boys' ages at the time).)

We then drove into Hot Springs, SD and had a late lunch at Two Cows Creamery before getting on the road for home. Along the way, we stopped for Nathan's afternoon coffee (at a coffee shop in Chadron, NE that was apparently "out" of coffee, lol) and made an attempt to see Scotts Bluff National Monument. We knew the visitors center would be closed by the time we got there but thought maybe we'd still be able to drive the loop. Nope. We settled for this photo...

From there, we stopped for dinner in Kimball, NE and made it home finally around 9pm. Whew. 

So, that was our quick trip. It was lovely.


My office

Just so it's recorded somewhere...

A little over a week ago, I suddenly decided to rearrange my office. I wanted to switch to a standing desk; that was the impetus of the whole thing. By plan C or so, I'd settled on an arrangement and ordered what I needed. At the core, I switched out the desk by the window for an adjustable standing desk (which was considerably more straight-forward than the earlier plans, lol). Along the way, though, I had to do a good bit of purging and sorting and shuffling of other things. It was a chore. ;P I may still make a few tweaks and have a few spots that I've noted for further sorting, but here's where things stand now... 

The photos on the left are before and the ones on the right are after. Click on the photo/collage to make it larger.

So much more open counter/desk and floor space! I know it still looks full and cluttery but I truly did get rid of a lot of stuff, honest! It feels so much cleaner. I do a good job of purging around the rest of the house; but, apparently, my office had become somewhat of a dumping ground (particularly since it's one of the only rooms on the main floor that has a door, lol). And, yes, that's a standing desk...I'm just short. ;) It's adjustable so I can still sit when I want also. 

A few things I learned through this process:

  • A lot of my life has become about function over form. I'm pretty practical to start with but being surrounded by four males and their pragmatism has definitely weighed things more in one direction. I see it all around me now that I'm paying attention. 
  • I still have a lot of scrapbooking stuff, lol. (Once upon a time, I scrapbooked...for myself, for a national magazine and their publications, for my monthly column in that magazine, for sponsor companies, etc.) I've gotten rid of loads of supplies over the years but still have plenty somehow.
  • Knowing where your outlets are is important, and power strips are your friends. Yeah, neither of the two outlets in my office are on the open walls.
  • My old furniture is really sturdy. We actually bought the matching desks and hutch (and another tall bookcase that's in another room) when we lived in North Carolina...so they've been with us longer than Noah. :)
  • Reorganizing is a good time to examine what you actually use. It felt kinda liberating to get rid of stuff that I realized I wasn't using. (Yes, yes, I realize I'm not currently *using* the remaining scrapbooking supplies but am still keeping them. It's a process, lol.)

Oh, and I'm really liking my standing desk situation so far. I found this great balance board anti-fatigue mat thing and love being able to move while standing (and this one is way more comfortable on my feet than my actual balance board that I use in the basement after boot camp--which is also fun but just rough on my feet without shoes). 

And that's my office for now. :)