Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries in 40 Before 40 (12)


40 Before 40...revisited

So. I've been re-reading my blog of late (working on a list of my homeschooling favorites...more on that later) and came across the list I made back before my 40th birthday. By the time I hit the big 4-0, I'd finished 21 of the items. I'm realizing, though, that I've actually finished more since then so thought I'd update.

The first bit, then, is the original list set a year before I turned 40. The italicized comments after each list item are the updates once I turned 40. The underlined comments at the end of each entry are my comments today.


40 Before 40. So, here's my update on the list I shared last year...the ones in bold are done. :)

1. Complete the Equinox half marathon (I officially blame Deanna if I live to regret this, lol.) -- Nope. And I don't regret it at all, lol. ;) Still good with not having done this, lol.
2. Read 40 books (Shouldn't be a problem) -- Done! I actually read 80 books between birthdays, so I'm good. I'll share some of my favorites sometime...All good. I read a lot. Finished that year and have done so in subsequent years, though I find I do less lately now that I don't have to drive boys places and sit and wait, lol.
3. Volunteer (I'm deliberately leaving this vague and will see what opportunities arise...) -- I didn't really manage this to my satisfaction. Going to work on it! DONE. I've volunteered with Habitat for Humanity numerous times now! I'm also a volunteer on a community action committee with the city. 
4. Update this blog (new header and organization and maybe an actual plan?) -- Will get to this someday...Um, in progress?
5. Get a good family portrait taken -- We've actually managed a few that I really like...not professional or anything, but I like 'em. :) We've gotten pretty good at taking group selfies, lol.
6. Try a new recipe monthly -- Nope. Well, not monthly, but I have done a better job of trying new recipes. Does that count?
7. Pay for a stranger's meal -- Yup. I should do this more often.
8. Try yoga -- Nathan and I took an introductory class last week! Haven't done more yoga really, but did try it.
9. Do a pull up unassisted -- No. But, to be fair, I haven't actually tried. Will work on that. DONE! Woohoo! All the rock climbing this past summer seems to have helped, and I can now do this.
10. Go to high tea with Molly -- Molly tells me that going to the Cartier exhibit doesn't count and that we still need to go to high tea. It's in the works. DONE? Molly, does afternoon tea at the Boulder Tea House count?
11. Draw more -- Check! Thanks to Micah's enthusiasm, we've actually made it most of the way through a drawing curriculum this year...with me working on the assignments alongside the boys. Haven't done much lately, though...
12. Throw a party -- I don't think I did anything that would count for this. DONE. Yup, boys have had black belt promotion parties and graduation parties.
13. Splurge on a "good" bra (that's not a sports bra and isn't designed only for comfort, lol) -- Done. 
14. Update my passport (and get some for boys) -- Sadly, no. Will remedy this. DONE! And used it. ;) 
15. Create a family portrait collage for the hallway (I've had the frame and the spot ready for ages...) -- Dude. I really should do this. DONE. Whew.
16. Read at least 5 books out loud with the boys -- Done.
17. Archive all my photos -- Nope. In progress. DONE.
18. Watch Casablanca (because I never have) -- Done.
19. Get my wisdom teeth out (not exciting, I know, but it would be nice to have done and off my list, lol) -- Okay, I didn't do this. I did, though, get one of Noah's wisdom teeth removed. Does that count? ;) DONE. Plus, Noah had the rest of his extracted also.
20. Hand make Christmas cards again -- Do photo cards that I created count? Hmm. Unless photo cards count, this is still not done.
21. Run 400 miles -- Well, I stopped keeping track after last summer. I've definitely, definitely walked more miles than that, though, so I'm counting this. (Thank you, FitBit! According to my FitBit, I've walked over 800 miles just since getting it in December.) :) I don't log miles any more but have definitely been keeping active with boot camp and rock climbing. I try to get some running in at least once a week also.
22. Dress up for Comic Con -- Done! We've been more than once.
23. Write a letter once a month (using actual stationery and stamps) -- Technically, not really. But. I've been sending a note to my mom once a week this year as part of her birthday gift. Does that count? Let's say that counts. ;)
24. Go to a drive in movie with the boys -- Didn't manage this. Maybe this summer? I really should do this!
25. Take the boys to a baseball game -- I had plans, honest, to take boys to the local minor league baseball game on Saturday (just under the deadline, lol). Didn't happen. Thanks to Nathan's parents, though, they did get to go to a football game. I'm totally counting that, since the spirit of the goal was met.
26. Take an art class (for me!) -- No. But. I took a class about arduinos and a couple classes about curling. Again, the spirit of the goal was met. :)
27. Grow cucamelons -- I tried!! I did. Sadly, they did not cooperate. :( Nope.
28. Find my perfect pair of jeans (I hate shopping for jeans but love the convenience of jeans, so this would be huge) -- I've found a couple, but they're definitely not perfect. The hunt continues...DONE. I actually have jeans I like pretty darn well...not sure they're "perfect" but I'm not looking any more.
29. Visit a national park I've not been to before -- Done. 
30. Update my will and emergency family documents -- Definitely need to work on this! DONE earlier this year.
31. Make it all the way through a 30 day hula hooping challenge -- Done.
32. Try a different hair color -- Done. And DONE again, lol.
33. Finish my unfinished projects for others -- Done.
34. Go ice skating (haven't been in decades) -- Done.
35. Use our new local MAX system at least once -- Hanging my head. DONE, more than once.
36. Declutter at least 40 items from my stuff -- Done, easily. I love purging! DONE some more!
37. Shoot my bow with the boys more regularly and score at least one 30 -- Hmm. Not really. Well, I did shoot some with Noah over the summer. I don't know that I've scored a 30 though in the last four years.
38. Establish regular date nights...once a month with each of my guys -- Done.
39. Buy more shoes (because I figure I should have at least one item on here that's a given, lol) -- Done. :)
40. Make a bucket list for the coming decade (so that I can put some bigger items on the list and have enough time to have a shot at accomplishing them) ;) -- I'm more than half way done with this list...still working on it...I have no idea what was on this partial list I mentioned or where it is. Guess I'll need to start over, lol.


By my count, then, since turning 40, I've finished eleven more of these items...bringing my total to 32! Yay, me! Guess I'll get to work on number 40 there... ;)  


Update on my 40 before 40 list...

40 Before 40. So, here's my update on the list I shared last year...the ones in bold are done. :)

1. Complete the Equinox half marathon (I officially blame Deanna if I live to regret this, lol.) -- Nope. And I don't regret it at all, lol. ;)
2. Read 40 books (Shouldn't be a problem) -- Done! I actually read 80 books between birthdays, so I'm good. I'll share some of my favorites sometime...
3. Volunteer (I'm deliberately leaving this vague and will see what opportunities arise...) -- I didn't really manage this to my satisfaction. Going to work on it!
4. Update this blog (new header and organization and maybe an actual plan?) -- Will get to this someday...
5. Get a good family portrait taken -- We've actually managed a few that I really like...not professional or anything, but I like 'em. :)
6. Try a new recipe monthly -- Nope.
7. Pay for a stranger's meal -- Yup.
8. Try yoga -- Nathan and I took an introductory class last week!
9. Do a pull up unassisted -- No. But, to be fair, I haven't actually tried. Will work on that.
10. Go to high tea with Molly -- Molly tells me that going to the Cartier exhibit doesn't count and that we still need to go to high tea. It's in the works. 
11. Draw more -- Check! Thanks to Micah's enthusiasm, we've actually made it most of the way through a drawing curriculum this year...with me working on the assignments alongside the boys. 
12. Throw a party -- I don't think I did anything that would count for this. 
13. Splurge on a "good" bra (that's not a sports bra and isn't designed only for comfort, lol) -- Done. 
14. Update my passport (and get some for boys) -- Sadly, no. Will remedy this.
15. Create a family portrait collage for the hallway (I've had the frame and the spot ready for ages...) -- Dude. I really should do this.
16. Read at least 5 books out loud with the boys -- Done.
17. Archive all my photos -- Nope. In progress.
18. Watch Casablanca (because I never have) -- Done.
19. Get my wisdom teeth out (not exciting, I know, but it would be nice to have done and off my list, lol) -- Okay, I didn't do this. I did, though, get one of Noah's wisdom teeth removed. Does that count? ;)
20. Hand make Christmas cards again -- Do photo cards that I created count?
21. Run 400 miles -- Well, I stopped keeping track after last summer. I've definitely, definitely walked more miles than that, though, so I'm counting this. (Thank you, FitBit! According to my FitBit, I've walked over 800 miles just since getting it in December.) :)
22. Dress up for Comic Con -- Done!
23. Write a letter once a month (using actual stationery and stamps) -- Technically, not really. But. I've been sending a note to my mom once a week this year as part of her birthday gift. Does that count? Let's say that counts. ;)
24. Go to a drive in movie with the boys -- Didn't manage this. Maybe this summer?
25. Take the boys to a baseball game -- I had plans, honest, to take boys to the local minor league baseball game on Saturday (just under the deadline, lol). Didn't happen. Thanks to Nathan's parents, though, they did get to go to a football game. I'm totally counting that, since the spirit of the goal was met.
26. Take an art class (for me!) -- No. But. I took a class about arduinos and a couple classes about curling. Again, the spirit of the goal was met. :)
27. Grow cucamelons -- I tried!! I did. Sadly, they did not cooperate. :(
28. Find my perfect pair of jeans (I hate shopping for jeans but love the convenience of jeans, so this would be huge) -- I've found a couple, but they're definitely not perfect. The hunt continues...
29. Visit a national park I've not been to before -- Done. 
30. Update my will and emergency family documents -- Definitely need to work on this!
31. Make it all the way through a 30 day hula hooping challenge -- Done.
32. Try a different hair color -- Done.
33. Finish my unfinished projects for others -- Done.
34. Go ice skating (haven't been in decades) -- Done.
35. Use our new local MAX system at least once -- Hanging my head. 
36. Declutter at least 40 items from my stuff -- Done, easily. I love purging!
37. Shoot my bow with the boys more regularly and score at least one 30 -- Hmm. Not really.
38. Establish regular date nights...once a month with each of my guys -- Done.
39. Buy more shoes (because I figure I should have at least one item on here that's a given, lol) -- Done. :)
40. Make a bucket list for the coming decade (so that I can put some bigger items on the list and have enough time to have a shot at accomplishing them) ;) -- I'm more than half way done with this list...still working on it...

So, by my count, I finished 21 of these...which is more than half...which means I win, right? ;)

(Regardless, I had a fabulous time working my way through this list and feel like it's been a really good experience. I highly recommend it!)


#29 Visit a national park I've not been to before

And now that we're DONE with most of our school year (and because we're hoping most families aren't yet, such that things won't be too crowded, lol)...we're off on vacation! After Noah's last class on Friday, we drove down to Alamosa, CO. On Saturday, we ventured over to the Great Sand Dunes National Park and had a fabulous time.

Here's us climbing up, and up, and up...

We ended up climbing barefoot the entire way and were quite thankful that it's only mid-May. The sands must be scortching hot in summer time! As it was, we actually managed quite good weather...not too hot and not too cold. :)

We had a lovely couple take this picture of us before separating...as Nathan and Micah wanted to climb further and Noah, Asher and I did not want to climb further, lol.

So, Nathan and Micah continued on and we headed back down. (It's not quite possible to explain the breadth of the place. It's rather amazing actually. If we'd had more time, we'd probably have spent it there happily. As it was, we needed to get on the road and also were trying to (and succeeded at) beat the incoming storm.)

At the bottom, there's a stream that must be waded through to get back to the parking lot. While we waited for Nathan and Micah, the older two had great fun playing in the brisk waters...

I imagine the water portion of the park is much more enjoyable in the heat of the summer. Personally, I was a bit cold. Asher has a proclivity for getting himself drenched, though...hence I took his jacket away from him as experience has taught me that that sucker is hard to get dry and un-sandy, lol. In the end, only Asher required a change of clothes before we loaded back up...as expected.

So. That was our visit to Great Sand Dunes. :)

Then we drove on to Pagosa Springs...where we are now. We met up with Nathan's parents and are set to enjoy a fun-filled week. More pictures and story to come...


#31 Make it all the way through a 30 day hula hooping challenge

Still working my way through my 40 before 40 list. Today, I finished a 30 day hula hooping challenge!

Woohoo! It wasn't anything fancy or exciting, but I'm happy to have finished it. :) 

(In case you're wondering, I purchased this years ago from this site and have been quite happy with my hoops, though I don't use them nearly as much as I could.)


#33 Finish my unfinished projects for others

Woohoo! A few months ago I finally finished the wedding album I've been promising my sister, Rebekah, for more than seven years...and delivered it to her at about their 13.3 year anniversary. Better late than never, right? ;) I also finished up the Scotland album for my inlaws (from a trip they took in the summer of 2012). (Comparatively, that one was right on time, eh? lol)
