Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023



We drove to Montana over the weekend to Nathan's parents' place and had a lovely visit. We spent about 13 hours on the road on Friday (about 11 hours of drive time plus stops) and arrived in time for the boys to get a quick tour before calling it a night (it was the first time they'd seen the new house).

Saturday, we drove up to Garnet Ghost Town. It was a bumpy ride and we ran into some rain to start, but it turned out to be a sunny afternoon wandering the surprisingly intact settlement. 

There was also some sort of festival going on but we apparently arrived at the tail end of that so didn't really participate beyond being impressed by the number of people who'd made the drive. 

And we remembered to take a group picture before leaving...

Aside from our trip to Garnet and some time on Sunday in Philipsburg taking John to a Father's Day lunch and then enjoying the famous candy store and a couple others, we mostly just hung out at the house...playing pinochle and listening to the rain.

Here are some more pictures...

...of the boys during our road trip (they sleep in strange positions, lol)...of Micah and Noah helping chop firewood...of us all managing to make s'mores between downpours...and of Asher, Nathan and I helping hang a few more pictures in the basement. We'd hoped to also help with starting Nancy's rock crevice garden outside but sadly the rain and temperatures didn't cooperate.

And now we're home again with Nathan and Noah back to work this morning. A short but sweet visit. :) 


Thankful Thursday: Mostly Micah edition

Happy middle of June! This week's Thankful Thursday is brought to you mostly by Micah...

1. Spartan Race. Micah ran another Spartan Race on Sunday. Last year, he and two friends did the 5K race and this year the three of them tackled the 10K race (10K running and 25 obstacles). Again, one of the friend's dads drove them down and managed a few pictures for us...

Notice how light and pink Micah's shorts were at the start and how brown they were by the end, lol. Fortunately this year I didn't just trust Micah when he said he'd rinsed everything before throwing stuff in the washing machine. We set everything out in the downpour we had that evening and it rinsed much of the mud away. Then Nathan and I both rinsed everything a couple times before finally washing things. My washer survived much better this year. ;) (Micah's shoes, though, ended up in the trash, lol. He needed new ones anyhow.)

So now the boys have done the 5K and the 10K. Their goal is to actually do some training and do the 25K next year. Thankful he has these friends to do things like this with...that he enjoys pushing himself...that the plan to train for next year will keep these three in touch even when they're at different schools. Thankful mostly, though, that Micah's been feeling well enough to have done this at all. If you'd asked us in March, there's no way we'd have thought he'd be able to run 10K, let alone run it with obstacles. 

2. Peonies. Okay, this isn't about Micah but just look at how crazy big my peonies are...

Once we finally had a minute where it wasn't raining, they exploded! And, for whatever reason, one of my plants had a single pink peony this year. No idea how that happened, as I know it's a white peony plant (and has been for like nine years). 

3. College shopping. The dorm shopping has begun. :) On Monday, Micah and I did some clothes and shoe shopping. On Tuesday, Micah, Asher and I went down to IKEA to beat the back to school rush. Asher didn't end up finding the things he was looking for (he has most everything he needs still packed away from when he lived in Omaha) but was a good sport and a good driver of our cart. Micah found a good number of things...which are now in piles in our front room, lol. Along the way, he took a break to chill in the children's area...

Thankful for the time together with my guys!

4. Little things. And finally...just thankful for the little things today. Micah and Asher helped a friend of a friend of mine with unloading a U-Haul this morning. Thankful they were able and willing to help, as I remember what a pain it is to move. :)

After that, Micah had another infusion. He was particularly thankful to order a bagel with cream cheese and a strawberry milkshake. (He'd recently eaten but was "willing" to eat again, lol.) 

He'd been planning to eat the last bagel earlier this week and had even hidden it away to save it for himself. But Nathan ate it. And Micah was sad (and a little salty, lol). So he was delighted to see it on the menu today. And he enjoyed the bendy straw. He's easily amused. :) 

And after we got home, Micah got the chance to feed one of our resident squirrels. This one, though, has no fear and has let Nathan feed him individual walnuts from his fingers. Micah, today, was a little apprehensive at this squirrel who didn't run away. But he held out a handful of walnuts and the squirrel picked one up right out of his hand and stayed right there to eat it. Micah was pretty excited. 

Okay. That's my list for this week. :)


Birthday and Mother's Day celebration

So, I mentioned that Nathan and the boys had something planned for yesterday to celebrate both my birthday and Mother's Day, and indeed they did. :)

We started the day at the movie theater and enjoyed the new Spider-Man movie, Across the Spider-Verse. It was awesome! Then we went home briefly before heading up to Old Town to do the Fort Collins Old Town Food Tour that they'd booked us on. It turned out to be us, the tour guide, and four others. We wandered Old Town, stopping at five different locations for good eats (and drinks for Nathan and I at three of the stops since he'd added on the cocktail ticket for us) and learning interesting facts and history about Old Town while we were at it. It was truly fabulous! 

We appreciated the time and experience together and loved our tour guide, Tricia, and the company's approach to food tours...promoting locally owned businesses and providing a range of options along the tour--including places where you can just grab a quick bite, places appropriate for special occasions, places for great drinks, places for dessert, etc. 

Considering that we've lived here almost 21 years, we were delighted to visit places we haven't been before. (To be fair, there are a LOT of restaurants in Fort Collins. It's overwhelming at times...enough that we end up frequenting the same places rather than trying new places. Nathan and I had been to two of the five places on our tour, so three were new to us.)

Specifically, we had pizza at Slyce, appetizers and drinks at Whiskey Steaks (The Still), green chili fries and drinks at Locust Cider, pies at Ginger & Baker, and pasta and drinks at Ace Gillett's. Even Micah got full, lol! (And, believe us, he would have eaten more if he'd been able.) Along the way, we learned some great tips and history about each restaurant, too. Highly recommended!

And then we came home and pretty much crashed in a lovely food coma. We watched a show and decided the firepit and s'mores planned for the evening was actually too much food at that point so just chilled. A wonderful birthday and Mother's Day celebration!


Thankful Thursday

Three things this week...

1. Class reunion memories. So, my 30 year class reunion is later this summer. Sadly, I won't be attending...and our class didn't manage a 20 year reunion...and I didn't make the 10 year reunion because my youngest sister also graduated that summer (couldn't make the trip back to WA more than once that summer with two little ones).

Why is missing my reunion something I'm thankful for, you ask? Well, I'm bummed enough to be missing it that I volunteered to gather info from everyone and put together a digital reunion yearbook of sorts. As I've been working on that, I've been enjoying going back through my high school yearbook. I scanned all of our senior photos to include in the reunion stuff. Here's mine:

If you graduated high school with me and don't already have the link for the reunion yearbook or for the reunion, itself, email me! I'm appreciating all of the info classmates are sharing and enjoying putting it together to share.

2. Birthday wishes. Thanks so very much to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday! I had a nice quiet birthday...just a relaxing day at home. Nathan and the boys have something planned to celebrate both my birthday and a belated Mother's Day on Saturday. They won't tell me what; I'll keep you posted. (You may recall that I decreed that we'd celebrate Mother's day with my birthday again this year since Micah's graduation was Mother's Day weekend.)

Beyond those plans, though, I had a lovely day yesterday. My peonies finally started blooming (it's been too rainy until yesterday)...my mom sent a yummy cookie cake and sugar cookie frosting kit that we promptly dug into...John & Nancy's beautiful monthly flower arrangement arrived...and my mom called while having lunch with gram so she could wish me a happy birthday, too. I asked gram how she was doing. Her response was, "Oh, I'm fine. Just old." LOL. Considering that she turns 102 next month, I think she's doing pretty well.

Noah also picked up some eclairs for me and I got to pick the movie for our family movie night. (I went with With Honors from 1994...hadn't seen it in ages and it was as good as remembered.) 

3. Shout outs. Thankful, as always, for the people in my life. This week, I also have some shout outs for a few of them...

  • Micah and his friend started a mobile auto detailing business. If you're local, check out Spek Detailing and tell them Micah sent you!
  • Asher started a new Instagram account to showcase some of his fun tricking and flipping. Check it out!
  • My baby brother Joe is starting his own physical therapy clinic! It opens next month but they're scheduling appointments now. Excited for him as he embarks on this new adventure (and saves plenty of commuting time every day)!

Okay, that's it for now. Hope your June is also off to a beautiful start!