Thankful Thursday

Three things this week...
1. Class reunion memories. So, my 30 year class reunion is later this summer. Sadly, I won't be attending...and our class didn't manage a 20 year reunion...and I didn't make the 10 year reunion because my youngest sister also graduated that summer (couldn't make the trip back to WA more than once that summer with two little ones).
Why is missing my reunion something I'm thankful for, you ask? Well, I'm bummed enough to be missing it that I volunteered to gather info from everyone and put together a digital reunion yearbook of sorts. As I've been working on that, I've been enjoying going back through my high school yearbook. I scanned all of our senior photos to include in the reunion stuff. Here's mine:
If you graduated high school with me and don't already have the link for the reunion yearbook or for the reunion, itself, email me! I'm appreciating all of the info classmates are sharing and enjoying putting it together to share.
2. Birthday wishes. Thanks so very much to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday! I had a nice quiet birthday...just a relaxing day at home. Nathan and the boys have something planned to celebrate both my birthday and a belated Mother's Day on Saturday. They won't tell me what; I'll keep you posted. (You may recall that I decreed that we'd celebrate Mother's day with my birthday again this year since Micah's graduation was Mother's Day weekend.)
Beyond those plans, though, I had a lovely day yesterday. My peonies finally started blooming (it's been too rainy until yesterday) mom sent a yummy cookie cake and sugar cookie frosting kit that we promptly dug into...John & Nancy's beautiful monthly flower arrangement arrived...and my mom called while having lunch with gram so she could wish me a happy birthday, too. I asked gram how she was doing. Her response was, "Oh, I'm fine. Just old." LOL. Considering that she turns 102 next month, I think she's doing pretty well.
Noah also picked up some eclairs for me and I got to pick the movie for our family movie night. (I went with With Honors from 1994...hadn't seen it in ages and it was as good as remembered.)
3. Shout outs. Thankful, as always, for the people in my life. This week, I also have some shout outs for a few of them...
- Micah and his friend started a mobile auto detailing business. If you're local, check out Spek Detailing and tell them Micah sent you!
- Asher started a new Instagram account to showcase some of his fun tricking and flipping. Check it out!
- My baby brother Joe is starting his own physical therapy clinic! It opens next month but they're scheduling appointments now. Excited for him as he embarks on this new adventure (and saves plenty of commuting time every day)!
Okay, that's it for now. Hope your June is also off to a beautiful start!

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