So, it's been just over a year since we started our pandemic journey. It seems like a good day for taking stock a bit. I know that it's been a rough year for so many. I know that I'm incredibly blessed. I know that my boys might not agree with me on some of my points, and I definitely wish they could get back some of the experiences they've missed out on. But. I'm focusing on the positives. So here are some of the things about the past year that I'm thankful for... :)
Time together. Selfishly, I'm thankful to have had this extra time with my teenagers before they eventually leave home. I know that they'd rather be out with friends and exploring the world and stretching their wings, and I honestly wish they could have had that experience this past year. Since that wasn't possible, though, I'm choosing to be thankful for the extra time together. We've had some great movie and show marathons, played lots of new and old games, and even managed a short getaway together at the end of the summer.
Less laundry. Practically speaking, gotta be thankful for fewer loads of laundry. ;) Without as many places to go (and without as many practices and such), we had less laundry.
Delivery, pickup and take out options. I know some of these existed before Covid, but I'm so thankful for the updated and expanded delivery, pickup and take out options for food and groceries and such. I wish these had been available when my boys were babies and, hey, drinks to go! I sincerely hope this isn't something that disappears after Covid.
Ability to schedule things specifically. As an introvert and someone way into organization and planning, I love the ability/requirement to schedule things. I like having a plan and a timeline.
Personal space. Okay, yeah, I like personal space. Socially requested distance isn't altogether bad in my book.
Stuff getting used up at home. Especially in those early months when some things were hard to find in stores, we did a good job of using up stockpiles of supplies at home. It was strangely rewarding.
Opportunity to prioritize. The abundant time at home prompted and encouraged plenty of thinking, especially about priorities (in many different areas). I appreciated having the time to actually stop and think for awhile and the chance to really examine what's important to me.
Reminder to support local. Alongside the thinking about priorities, I appreciated the reminder to support local businesses. I've been trying to do a much better job of that. (Don't look at my Amazon order history, though, okay? lol)
Less spent on clothes, hair, fast food, etc. Even with the Amazon orders and supporting local businesses, we definitely spent less on incidentals. Chalk that up to thinking about priorities, I guess. :) Also, it's harder to impulse shop when you're not wandering around inside the stores. Relatedly, thankful that my hair grows quickly and is healthy. I haven't had a hair cut or color in about 14 months now. My white hairs are definitely showing through. I find that I'm liking them. :)
Push to tackle home projects. We got off to a slow start but I'm actually pretty proud of the home projects we tackled throughout this past year. We've built a big ol' climbing wall, cleaned and sorted the kitchen cabinets, converted all of our print photographs to digital (thousands of 'em), replaced our water heater, pruned our trees, sorted and sold a LOT of legos, took loads of things to the local landfill and recycling centers, redid our basement to improve Nathan's office area and the workout area, finally labeled our mysterious circuit breaker box, and replaced our radon mitigation fan.
Getting through the year without anyone getting sick. We're generally pretty healthy in the first place, fortunately. With the societal distancing and hand washing and all, we've been blessed to all have made it through the year without even a cold. It's been a nice perk.
Eating dinner earlier. With Nathan not taking the bus to and from Boulder for work, we didn't have to rely on the bus schedule and have been able to eat dinner earlier than we had been before Covid. That's been lovely.
Opportunity for boys to practice more time management skills. Obviously I wish that boys could have had full in-person class experiences this past year. I'm choosing to be thankful, though, that at least mine were somewhat more prepared for the switch to remote...having experience with online classes and with managing their own schedules and time. I'm also thankful for the way all three boys' classes turned out; there have been both synchronous and asynchronous aspects which has allowed for more flexibility and encouraged taking responsibility for their time.
Squirrel friends. Since watching that fateful video about a backyard squirrel obstacle course last fall, our backyard squirrels have become our friends and we continue to enjoy watching them. We worried a bit about them in the recent snowstorm even though they stocked up in the days beforehand. We were surprised to see Mia actually during the storm...

Yup, she braved the snow to dig around and find the walnuts still there. Without all the extra time from the Covid shut/slowdowns, we might not have stumbled across the video and/or decided to befriend our squirrels, so I'm thankful.
I'm sure there are more things I'm forgetting just now. :)
Honestly, I really am thankful for so much this past year. I'm sad for the things my boys missed, particularly Asher's end of high school experience...of course. But. I'm also proud of how much we did accomplish...adulting lessons over the summer, getting Asher's wisdom teeth extracted, watching Micah earn his 2nd degree black belt, seeing Micah finish drivers ed and get his permit, helping Asher negotiate multiple cancellations to finally get ACT and SAT scores needed for scholarships, getting Noah moved into his first apartment, visiting colleges with Asher and getting through the applications process, participating in Bouldering League with Micah, watching Micah compete with his climbing team in a bouldering competition in the fall and more. All of these things were different than they would have been without Covid, but we did them.
And, today, as I look back at the past year, that's what I'm thankful for.