Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from March 1, 2021 - March 31, 2021


Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! Playing catch up since my list last week was a bit different, but here are the things I'm thankful for today...

1. Some fun during spring break. Even though the snow was cold and heavy, I'm thankful for it because it created an opportunity for the boys to have some fun over spring break last week. Micah went sledding with a friend on Tuesday...

(This is when we picked him up.) And then both Micah and Asher went sledding with friends on Thursday. Thankful we still had this sled. :) (Unfortunately, we've given away the others that we had when boys were younger, so they had to share this one, lol.) 

2. Gag reels. I recently realized that Disney+ offers movie extras, like gag reels and deleted scenes, on their streaming service for at least some of the movies. Woohoo! I love gag reels. :) 

3. Dinner out. We originally had reservations for March 14 to celebrate the anniversary of the day we met. But it snowed a couple feet that day so we cancelled, lol. Last Friday, then, we finally celebrated with dinner at little on mountain. They have fabulous individual tents (with heaters) that you can reserve for a dinner experience...four delicious courses. 

It was amazing!

4. Rearranging. I may be crazy, but I find it strangely rewarding to purge and rearrange things around the house. We've been doing plenty of it during this pandemic year. ;) Our most recent project was relocating Asher's computer set up into his bedroom. This is what our "office" area has looked like in the past... 


Nathan used it for awhile before switching to the basement and then the boys took over the space...

This was the most recent picture I could find of the boys using the space. Sadly, I neglected to take a "before" picture a couple days ago (when it was more of a mess with accumulated junk piled in the far corner). In any case, it looked mostly like that and then we cleared everything out and cleaned it up...

...and then we moved all the games from the basement (and a couple other places around the house) to the area. We're hoping that being able to see them more easily will help us remember what we have. (And, it cleared more space in the guest room, which will be nice.) Also, thankful for the lovely variety and quantity of games that we have. :) 

5. Finishing the lego project. I finally finished off the lego project today. Woohoo! After months of sorting and listing and selling and shipping legos, I donated the remainder of loose pieces to the Boys & Girls Club of Larimer County...

Yes, I definitely could have still sold more of them in various sets and bundles. But. There's something to be said for being done and for helping others. It was quite a lot of loose pieces, and the Boys & Girls Club was so excited to receive them. Thinking of the kids enjoying them makes me happy (and helps with the sadness I still felt at letting them go even though the boys all thought I was crazy). 

And those are some of the things I'm thankful for today. :)


Thankful Thursday: A Pandemic Year 

So, it's been just over a year since we started our pandemic journey. It seems like a good day for taking stock a bit. I know that it's been a rough year for so many. I know that I'm incredibly blessed. I know that my boys might not agree with me on some of my points, and I definitely wish they could get back some of the experiences they've missed out on. But. I'm focusing on the positives. So here are some of the things about the past year that I'm thankful for... :)

Time together. Selfishly, I'm thankful to have had this extra time with my teenagers before they eventually leave home. I know that they'd rather be out with friends and exploring the world and stretching their wings, and I honestly wish they could have had that experience this past year. Since that wasn't possible, though, I'm choosing to be thankful for the extra time together. We've had some great movie and show marathons, played lots of new and old games, and even managed a short getaway together at the end of the summer. 

Less laundry. Practically speaking, gotta be thankful for fewer loads of laundry. ;) Without as many places to go (and without as many practices and such), we had less laundry. 

Delivery, pickup and take out options. I know some of these existed before Covid, but I'm so thankful for the updated and expanded delivery, pickup and take out options for food and groceries and such. I wish these had been available when my boys were babies and toddlers...plus, hey, drinks to go! I sincerely hope this isn't something that disappears after Covid.

Ability to schedule things specifically. As an introvert and someone way into organization and planning, I love the ability/requirement to schedule things. I like having a plan and a timeline. 

Personal space. Okay, yeah, I like personal space. Socially requested distance isn't altogether bad in my book. 

Stuff getting used up at home. Especially in those early months when some things were hard to find in stores, we did a good job of using up stockpiles of supplies at home. It was strangely rewarding.

Opportunity to prioritize. The abundant time at home prompted and encouraged plenty of thinking, especially about priorities (in many different areas). I appreciated having the time to actually stop and think for awhile and the chance to really examine what's important to me.

Reminder to support local. Alongside the thinking about priorities, I appreciated the reminder to support local businesses. I've been trying to do a much better job of that. (Don't look at my Amazon order history, though, okay? lol)

Less spent on clothes, hair, fast food, etc. Even with the Amazon orders and supporting local businesses, we definitely spent less on incidentals. Chalk that up to thinking about priorities, I guess. :) Also, it's harder to impulse shop when you're not wandering around inside the stores. Relatedly, thankful that my hair grows quickly and is healthy. I haven't had a hair cut or color in about 14 months now. My white hairs are definitely showing through. I find that I'm liking them. :)

Push to tackle home projects. We got off to a slow start but I'm actually pretty proud of the home projects we tackled throughout this past year. We've built a big ol' climbing wall, cleaned and sorted the kitchen cabinets, converted all of our print photographs to digital (thousands of 'em), replaced our water heater, pruned our trees, sorted and sold a LOT of legos, took loads of things to the local landfill and recycling centers, redid our basement to improve Nathan's office area and the workout area, finally labeled our mysterious circuit breaker box, and replaced our radon mitigation fan.

Getting through the year without anyone getting sick. We're generally pretty healthy in the first place, fortunately. With the societal distancing and hand washing and all, we've been blessed to all have made it through the year without even a cold. It's been a nice perk. 

Eating dinner earlier. With Nathan not taking the bus to and from Boulder for work, we didn't have to rely on the bus schedule and have been able to eat dinner earlier than we had been before Covid. That's been lovely. 

Opportunity for boys to practice more time management skills. Obviously I wish that boys could have had full in-person class experiences this past year. I'm choosing to be thankful, though, that at least mine were somewhat more prepared for the switch to remote...having experience with online classes and with managing their own schedules and time. I'm also thankful for the way all three boys' classes turned out; there have been both synchronous and asynchronous aspects which has allowed for more flexibility and encouraged taking responsibility for their time. 

Squirrel friends. Since watching that fateful video about a backyard squirrel obstacle course last fall, our backyard squirrels have become our friends and we continue to enjoy watching them. We worried a bit about them in the recent snowstorm even though they stocked up in the days beforehand. We were surprised to see Mia actually during the storm...

Yup, she braved the snow to dig around and find the walnuts still there. Without all the extra time from the Covid shut/slowdowns, we might not have stumbled across the video and/or decided to befriend our squirrels, so I'm thankful.

I'm sure there are more things I'm forgetting just now. :)

Honestly, I really am thankful for so much this past year. I'm sad for the things my boys missed, particularly Asher's end of high school experience...of course. But. I'm also proud of how much we did accomplish...adulting lessons over the summer, getting Asher's wisdom teeth extracted, watching Micah earn his 2nd degree black belt, seeing Micah finish drivers ed and get his permit, helping Asher negotiate multiple cancellations to finally get ACT and SAT scores needed for scholarships, getting Noah moved into his first apartment, visiting colleges with Asher and getting through the applications process, participating in Bouldering League with Micah, watching Micah compete with his climbing team in a bouldering competition in the fall and more. All of these things were different than they would have been without Covid, but we did them. 

And, today, as I look back at the past year, that's what I'm thankful for.


Our Weekend

So. It's been a full weekend. :) 

On Saturday...

  • I worked out while visiting with Lynne on the phone...(yeah, okay, it's mostly visiting but we *do* exercise also, lol)
  • made a smoothie for Micah's breakfast and got Nathan up...
  • sent the two of them out the door for Micah's new job...(Micah hustled his friends and got a couple of them to get him a job where they work...so it's just him and a handful of friends doing manual labor type warehouse stuff part-time. It's great because he did it all on his own, after being discouraged by the lack of places hiring 15 year olds other than fast food and grocery stores. And we wouldn't let him work at either of those situations given Covid and his immune system issues.)...
  • attended a virtual housing showcase for UNO, gathering more information about Asher's living situation next school year...(actually got a lot of good info and feel better for it!...will finalize a number of things soon)...
  • finally got Micah's new prescription sorted out and officially ordered...(only took (since Wednesday) 11 phone calls, 134 minutes of talking on the phone--which I hate, and 8 messages back and forth to the doctor...whew...but it should be here tomorrow (or likely Tuesday depending on the weather, lol))...
  • picked up Micah's local prescriptions for continuing the previous treatment plan...
  • Nathan picked up Micah and the grocery orders as the snow was beginning to fall but hadn't started sticking yet...
  • and that was all before lunch. Whew.

After lunch, we vegged and watched shows together and Micah took a nap... 

(Usually we let him sleep in considerably on Saturdays after his injection on Friday nights, because it knocks him out. His new job, though, is weekend mornings. He's pretty motivated to make it work but was wiped yesterday afternoon.)

And then today we woke up to at least a foot of snow. Micah got the word that he shouldn't come to work today, as did most people. Which made sense because driving would have been tricky and everyone was being advised to stay home if at all possible since we're under a blizzard warning until midnight. So we went back to sleep for a bit, having lost that hour thanks to daylight savings anyhow. 

Nathan and I eventually got up and headed outside to shovel and knock snow off of trees (to keep the branches from breaking under the weight of the heavy wet snow). 

Our patio heater got blown over. We're not sure of the damage yet but are thankful that seems to be the extent of things so far.

Despite the giant piles of snow, we had a nice time actually. One wonderful neighbor brought his snowblower over and handled most of the heavy work, and we got to chat with a number of neighbors. One of the families has adorable little boys who totally reminded us of when ours were little and happy to play in the snow...

These were taken in the big snowstorm of March 2003...our first winter in Colorado. I think we had more than two feet of snow and were literally stuck at home, as we couldn't dig out the van. (Incidentally, thankful for having a garage!)

And this one was taken in November of 2004 (our first winter in this house). We made a giant snow train out front. :) Happy memories.

Anyhow. Since then, we've been inside catching up on chores...with boys enjoying the start of spring break. We've also been back outside to shovel again since the snow's just been falling all day. Will probably need to go out at least once more tonight.

Oh, and it just happens to be the anniversary of the day Nathan and I met! Twenty nine years ago this guy walked into my life and I'm so very thankful he did. 

And that's what's been going on here. Hope you're all staying warm and had a lovely weekend! 


Thankful Thursday

Still here. :) Quick little list of things I'm thankful for today...

1. Outdoor lunch with Deanna. Last weekend, the weather was so lovely! Deanna and I decided to meet at Otto Pint and enjoy the sunshine at one of their outdoor tables. The food and drink were fabulous, and the time together to catch up was much needed.

(Isn't my drink fun?! It's a Stem Ciders Hibiscus Session fruit cider and it was great. Full disclosure, this was not my first drink. Also, I walked there and home again, so it was fine, lol.)

2. Monthly flowers. I'm still enjoying my birthday gift from John & Nancy...flowers each month. This month's bouquet...

It's so fun to have this little bit of beauty every month!

3. Children's Hospital. Though obviously I'd prefer not to have to make trips to Denver to visit Children's, I'm thankful it's there and appreciate the specialists we're able to see. Made the trip on Tuesday to follow up on the treatment plan we started in December. Three months in and we weren't seeing the effects hoped for. (Micah's still having mornings where he's coming down the stairs on his butt because walking hurts. Obviously, that's not what we want.) Long story short...we're going to try a new med. He'll stay on his current plan so that they overlap some, as the new med also won't really kick in for 6-12 weeks. We so appreciate his doctor, who took the time to fully explain different choices and the pros and cons of everything. In the end, Micah chose the route that means he'll no longer need to give himself injections. Fingers crossed!

This is Nathan and Micah on our walk back to the van. I'm also thankful that Nathan is able to make the time to go with us to these appointments. Mostly, he goes because there's a lot of information shared and it's easier to not have to try to repeat it when we get home. Also, though, it means I don't have to drive in Denver traffic, and I appreciate that. :) 

(Sidenote: I'm also thankful for insurance. I've spent much time on the phone since Tuesday with our pharmacy and the specialty pharmacy that we need to go through instead and the pharmaceutical company that provides a co-pay assistance card for their med, knowing that it's too expensive otherwise. Ugh. One month's supply retails at over $7000! I don't have a final number yet (insert diatribe about paperwork and our healthcare and insurance system here) but we're hopeful that it'll actually be less than $100/month. Oy.)

4. Fire tables. When we finally made it home after that, we decided to go out for dinner, which I don't think we've done in over a year. (We've gotten plenty of take out, but almost always take it to eat elsewhere.) Having experienced the lovely outdoor tables at Otto Pint with Deanna recently, I made a quick reservation at Otto Pint for the four of us and we ate at one of their outdoor fire tables. 

It was definitely cooler than when I was there with Deanna, but we stayed warm enough and enjoyed our private little outside dinner...complete with a hot chocolate and rum drink for me. :)

5. Squirrel early warning systems. You've probably heard that we're due for a big winter storm this weekend here. If there was any doubt, our squirrel friends have confirmed that something's definitely coming. They've been stockpiling lately...coming and grabbing walnuts and scampering off with them multiple times. Usually they just come, hang out, get some walnuts and eat right there. We've refilled that squirrel head feeder multiple times a day (definitely more than usual).

This is Hamilton stuffing multiple walnuts into his mouth to hoard somewhere, lol. Thankful for our little early warning system, even though it means we miss talking with them while they eat lately. :)

Okay, that's my list for today. Hope your March is off to a good start and that you stay warm wherever you are this weekend!