Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from March 1, 2009 - March 31, 2009


Share & share alike...

Two quick "happy Monday morning let's ignore the fact that it's freezing outside and apt to snow more shortly" things to share...

First, I posted a few new layouts to my Two Peas gallery for the first time in more than a year! I've been a slacker when it comes to stuff like this and had forgotten what fun it can be. :) I'll try to do better...promise!

Second, check out these awesome freebies I happened upon this morning: labels. Fun stuff!


FIRST Robotics

Did you know that there are high school robotics competitions? I had no idea. Shouldn't surprise me really. Course, I wasn't expecting the colored mohawks or the co-ed team dressed entirely in pink. :) What am I talking about? FIRST Robotics, of course. Through various lego-related channels, we learned of this little tournament going on in Denver this past weekend and made it down in time to see the last few rounds. The boys thought it was pretty dang cool and were sad we didn't see more:

It was kinda crazy till we figured out what the objectives were (asked the guy sitting behind us in the bleachers). If you've ever seen the tv show "Robotica" you'll understand why the boys thought this was cool.

In any case, that's what we did on Saturday. Well, that and have ourselves some little snowball fights and call to wish my baby brother a happy birthday. :) He's 26 now. Sigh. Just yesterday he was like ten.



So. Less than a week after my start of spring pictures from our day at the park (which was really rather warm), I bring you pictures of the boys sledding earlier today. That's Colorado for you, I suppose. ;) In any case, after the much needed 8 inches or so of snow that we got Thursday, today was beautiful and pretty much perfect for sledding. Guess everyone else thought so, too:

This was a portion (maybe half...probably a bit less than half) of the turn out at the stadium hill where we met up with some friends. We were hoping that public schools would still be in session but apparently they got a snow day. :) Regardless, we managed to have a blast! Noah's preferred sled was the tube/donut sled:

It was probably the fastest of the sleds we brought. Asher, though, definitely got in the most runs wearing his "butt sled":

Man, that boy had a superb time trekking up and down that hill (which was treacherous, actually...we were surprised there weren't more collisions than we saw, lol). The "butt sled" gave him more control over his speed and was easier for him to lug back up the hill each time. :)

Micah was hesitant on all counts to begin with...(this was the first time we've sledded on a hill bigger than the little slope at a park near our house)...but was very enthusiastic by the end. Of course, that may have had something to do with the fact that he was getting carried back up the hill so wasn't expending nearly as much energy as the rest of us, lol. I loved that most of the time he covered his eyes on the way down (always riding with someone):

After our hour and half or so of sledding, we forced the boys to leave the hill (much to their dislike) but offered up hot chocolate as a worthy bribe. :) Yup, all in all, a very fun snow day!

(Needless to say, this bout of snow meant a couple canceled soccer practices and no games this weekend. Noah's a bit bummed but I think he'll survive, lol.)


Two very cool things...

In honor of the rather very COLD snow happening outside my window, I bring you two very COOL things today...

First, Prism Papers has recently started sharing more layouts, projects and cards from its fabulous design team on its blog! Between the six of us, you'll get awesome inspiration 12 days each month, so please be sure to check it out. Today, a layout by yours truly is featured. Here's a little peek:

While you're over there, be sure to scroll through the last few posts...lots of very cool stuff going on! You might want to bookmark the blog or subscribe or whatever it is that you do... :)

Second, I have the sincere pleasure to share with you a class by Tania Willis. Here are the details:

In Loving Memory by Tania Willis April 9 - May 7 During this 5-week course (one session per week) Tania will help spur you on to create an album dedicated to a loved one you have lost, all the while encouraging you to be gentle on yourself through the process. She will provide prompts and challenges to help you get your thoughts in order and onto the page, as well as suggestions for selecting photos and how to overcome the dilemma of not having many photos at all. In addition, page sketches will be offered and a variety of embellishment techniques will be taught along the way. There's no better way than to complete a treasured project than in the company of a supportive teacher who is on her own journey of remembrance after losing her mom very suddenly and unexpectedly the summer of 2007. “It’s scrapbooking as a healing therapy, not just art.”

Registration is now OPEN here.

Cost: $25

I had the opportunity to work with Tania on an article I did for the May 2008 issue of Creating Keepsakes about scrapbooking lost loved ones. Having both lost a parent that summer of 2007, we are forever bonded by our membership in that "club" of people who have lost a parent earlier than expected. I'm so excited about the fact that this class exists and am seriously thinking about taking it myself! (Need to look through my packed calendar and decide if I have the time right now.) Oh, and here's a little promo image:

So. There you have it. Two very cool things on this very cold Thursday. And now I'm off to stare out the window at the blustery snow scene outside. Weird. :)


Welcome spring!

Aside from the forecast snow later this week, we've had pretty gorgeous weather here this winter. It was just plain odd to have the boys riding their bikes in January. Regardless of how mild our winter has been, though, our family has had an informal tradition to welcome spring...going to the park and feeding the geese. I didn't even realize it until a year or so ago, but almost every March since moving to Colorado almost seven years ago has found us taking the boys to the park and feeding the geese. This year was no exception.

We didn't manage to go on the actual first day of spring, but close enough. This past Saturday we headed to our favorite goose feeding park. The boys, out of tradition, brought goldfish crackers to feed the geese (and themselves). The geese weren't as brave as years past (they didn't wander out of the water after us) so the boys simply did their bit and we headed to the playground. :) Here's a picture:

And, because I haven't in a bit...a few closeups of my beautiful boys...first, here's my sweet Asher...I love the sincerity in his face when I catch him like this:

Next my Noah, who's growing up right before my eyes...he was irked with me for interrupting him:

And, finally, my Micah...who's been talking my ear off of late and is just so dang cute:

So. Do you celebrate the start of spring? How?