
So. Less than a week after my start of spring pictures from our day at the park (which was really rather warm), I bring you pictures of the boys sledding earlier today. That's Colorado for you, I suppose. ;) In any case, after the much needed 8 inches or so of snow that we got Thursday, today was beautiful and pretty much perfect for sledding. Guess everyone else thought so, too:
This was a portion (maybe half...probably a bit less than half) of the turn out at the stadium hill where we met up with some friends. We were hoping that public schools would still be in session but apparently they got a snow day. :) Regardless, we managed to have a blast! Noah's preferred sled was the tube/donut sled:
It was probably the fastest of the sleds we brought. Asher, though, definitely got in the most runs wearing his "butt sled":
Man, that boy had a superb time trekking up and down that hill (which was treacherous, actually...we were surprised there weren't more collisions than we saw, lol). The "butt sled" gave him more control over his speed and was easier for him to lug back up the hill each time. :)
Micah was hesitant on all counts to begin with...(this was the first time we've sledded on a hill bigger than the little slope at a park near our house)...but was very enthusiastic by the end. Of course, that may have had something to do with the fact that he was getting carried back up the hill so wasn't expending nearly as much energy as the rest of us, lol. I loved that most of the time he covered his eyes on the way down (always riding with someone):
After our hour and half or so of sledding, we forced the boys to leave the hill (much to their dislike) but offered up hot chocolate as a worthy bribe. :) Yup, all in all, a very fun snow day!
(Needless to say, this bout of snow meant a couple canceled soccer practices and no games this weekend. Noah's a bit bummed but I think he'll survive, lol.)
Reader Comments (1)
What great photos! We're getting the last of the storm that hit you. Thought we were done with winter!