Three months & three things...

I know you probably don't want to hear this. Feel free to look away. But, today is September 25th and that means that Christmas is a mere three months away. Yup, really. :) I know I'm not alone in being one of "those" people who plans for Christmas year round and generally tries to finish all my Christmas shopping and gift-making sooner rather than later. This year is no exception. (Please don't throw things at me, LOL!) My lists are already well underway...projects (at least some of them) on hand. Now that our school year is settling in and soccer is mostly under control, my attention will be shifting to the holidays. It's good.
So far, we've got a number of holiday traditions (that I'm sure I'll discuss as the time draws nearer), but the only gift-specific one is that we've always done new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve. I'm looking to try something new this year in hopes of directing the boys' gift giving a bit more and focusing more on the season. In light of this, I know some of y'all have awesome Christmas gift traditions. The one in particular that I'm trying to remember is one where folks do like four categories of gifts for their kids...something you can read, something you can wear...and I can't remember the others. Does anyone know? Help?
Now, I also have three completely unrelated things to share:
1. Happiest of birthdays to my good pal, Melissa! Looking forward to hanging with you to celebrate!
2. Today's the last day to share your project for challenge #3 over at the Good Grief Blog and have a chance to win an awesome Teresa Collins Designs prize!
3. Micah told me last night that I'm "the best girl in the world"! Man that kid knows how to butter a person up, lol!