
Whew. Here are some random things I know to be facts today:
1. Three soccer games that do not overlap take longer than when any of the soccer games do overlap. Still debating which is better. ;) This was our first weekend without overlap...which may explain number 2. All three boys had great games and loads of fun as usual. Except when Asher scraped up his knee pretty good getting across the sidewalk to his field...yeah, just *before* the game. Alas, I've learned not to go anywhere without a supply of wipes, antibacterial cleaner, an assortment of bandaids and neosporin. So, all was fine.
2. I got too much sun. I wear minimal sunscreen daily anyhow and didn't really think about the need for more this late in the season. Apparently, I was wrong. Nothing horrible, but I can definitely feel it leeching my energy, lol.
3. I totally win the prize for having a good mail day today! My order from Amazon arrived with this blanket (that I've been coveting from two other soccer moms at practices) and this CD (that I ordered to get ready for the Dylan concert I'm going to in October with my mom and sister). AND, I got payment checks from Creating Keepsakes and Prism. That was the extent of the mail...and it was all mine. ;)
4. My layout is up over on the Good Grief Blog today. I rather like it and hope you'll check it out.
5. I really should get off the computer and finish getting things ready for the class I'm teaching tomorrow. Yikes. I'm teaching a class over at The Treasure Box tomorrow...starting a mini album entitled Lists of Me (though I'm horribly behind on sharing my own pages here for the Lists of Me album I started for 2009, lol). If you're in the area, consider coming! It starts at 1:00 and I've made a couple spare kits. ;)
6. I'm hoping to post more regularly starting next week. Honest. Feel like I'm finally getting into a groove around here and hoping to do some regular stuff here on the ol' blog. Please stay tuned.

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