Good clean fun.

Yup, I'm sure that's what the title of the layout will eventually be. ;) Just wanted to pop in to share a couple pictures from last Friday...
Not the greatest pictures (don't worry, I'm already planning an encore performance so I can catch some better ones...this was too impromptu so I wasn't ready for it, lol) but I'm sure you can imagine how extremely happy these boys were. We found these awesome bubble wands at a local toy store earlier in the week and, of course, had to try them out. Wonderful. The wind even helped, though it is a bit difficult explaining to a two year old how to be sure to stand up-wind. ;) Yeah. We had to do baths rather shortly thereafter given all of the soap/bubble residue in their hair and pretty much all over Micah (the kid didn't even need soap to shampoo his hair, lol!).
Oh! And one of the best parts was the bubble solution itself...homemade. We found the "recipe" on the back of the bubble wands...didn't manage to follow it exactly, but it worked way better than other pre-made bubble solutions I've purchased (and was considerably cheaper when you look at how big a tub I put the stuff in...had to have something easily shared by the three bubble wands). Because I'm nice like that, here are the instructions as given:
12 cups water
3 cups dish soap
3/4 cup corn syrup
Yes, corn syrup. I think it must be the magic ingredient, because I've tried the dish soap thing before actually. Even to the point of knowing that Dawn blue dish soap seems to work the best for some reason. I digress. In any case, we ended up using about 48 cups of water (btw, great math lesson worked in here) but only had 8 cups of dish soap on hand and decided to just use one of the containers of corn syrup...which was just shy of 2 cups. So. There you have it. And, because of the type of container I put it in, I just popped the lid on it and pulled it back into the keeps just fine and we'll just add to it over the summer. :)
I'm sure we'll be playing with more bubbles soon...but I may actually have to go find some more bubble wands, as the boys did this in our very popular front yard. Shortly after pulling out the bubbles, we found ourselves with almost a dozen extra kids in our yard. Between some "assisted" sharing and the impromptu soccer game some of the older boys started (did I mention that all but one of the kids were boys? Lots of boys on our block apparently), we managed. But more wands would definitely be useful. ;)