Thankful Thursday

Almost May and it's busy here...back and forth with doctors and insurance for Micah, getting ready for Micah's graduation, gearing up for starting my part-time job actually working with the kids (I've been doing prep the past couple weeks), and plenty of other little things. Amid all that, thankful...for...
1. Doors that shut correctly. It's a little thing; but, when we replaced doorknobs, we were able to get rid of the doorknob between our house and garage that was unreliable. Sometimes it would close and sometimes you'd need to go back and close it a second time to get it to click. Not a big deal but annoying. So, having a door that shuts correctly the first time is appreciated.
2. Steroids. Steroids rock. As we continue to try to figure out a new treatment plan for Micah (which will take a few months from when we finally get it started to know how effective it is), he's been back on the prednisone to get the current flare ups back under control. And, on Monday, we were down at Children's again to get him a steroid injection in his knee (guided by ultrasound). And, thankfully, he can now put weight on his left knee...which he hadn't been able to do well for more than a month. Whew.
3. Lost and found. Relatedly, when we were at Children's, I accidentally left my library book in the back of the wheelchair that I used to get Micah out to the car. (We don't usually use a wheelchair so I wasn't accustomed to checking for belongings.) Fortunately, someone turned it in to the lost and found, and I was able to call and verify that they had it. (I didn't realize I'd left it until we'd driven the hour-plus home.) Also fortunately, my good friend Molly lives near there and will pick it up for me. :) (I'm still a little bummed, though, because I was at a good part and now I have to wait to read more, lol.)
4. Edwyn. I thought I was going to have a post just about Edwyn. You see, last weekend our new dishwasher was delivered and installed. In the process (having cleared the under-sink cabinet to attach the dishwasher stuff), Nathan noticed that the kitchen faucet appeared to be leaking. Sigh. we went to buy a new faucet. We settled on one named Edwyn. I like Edwyn. But. Nathan didn't feel like installing it over the weekend because it's a pain to do. Since somehow it was no longer actively leaking, we opted to put everything back and wait and see. We've since decided that the faucet is actually not leaking. Yay! We don't know exactly but figure that maybe something got loosened during the dishwasher install but is fine now. It means we'll be taking Edwyn back (which is a little sad), but not having to spend the money or time on a new faucet is lovely.
5. First flower of spring. I noticed our first flower in the front yard for the season!
I'm pretty sure it's some sort of tulip (because that's what I planted there, lol). Even though it's raining/hailing right now, I'm thankful that it finally feels like spring.
And that's some of what's going on here. Happy end of April to you all!