Yeah, lots of randomness lately. It happens. ;)
1. I recently renewed my drivers license. I was able to do it online and then they mailed me a new one. It seems, though, like cheating...don't you think? My new license has the same picture and stats from 2004 but says it was issued 06-2012. Weird. (Incidentally, I realized that this is, I think, the first time I've ever renewed my drivers license. I moved enough between initially getting a license and now that I've not been in the same state when one expired. I find it disconcerting that you don't receive a notice or something reminding you that your license is about to expire. Do other states remind you?)
2. Don't laugh but I've already bought about 20 new books since getting rid of so many at our garage sale. Sigh. ;) (I tell myself that it's okay, though, because next on my to do list is to weed out even more books from our guest room bookshelves to make room for the books being relocated from the boys' bedroom. It makes me sad but at the same time rather proud of myself. I *like* owning books. I do. But. I'm realizing that I don't really need to hold onto all of them...I can always use the library and find information online these days. And after lugging around all those boxes of books through seven moves or so, it feels nice knowing we won't have to move them ever again.)
3. Is it just me or does iCloud frustrate you from time to time? I love the whole "take a picture and it's supposed to show up in your photo stream on your computer" thing. But. Mine don't always show up. I've figured out how to manually do it, but it's annoying. Noah says Apple's trying to subtly tell me that I need to use a Mac instead of a PC. Please tell me I'm not alone...because I couldn't find anything online to help me with this specific problem.
4. Asher performed with the Demo Team for karate for the first time on Friday! Due to some miscommunications and the fact that his Demo Team coach has been out for a week or so for surgery, he only got to perform one of the routines he's learned, but he looked awesome doing it. ;) I'm not biased.
5. We painted Noah's bedroom over the weekend! It's very grey. ;) We still need to pick up a few things from IKEA later this week, so it's not done. I'll take pictures when it is. Micah's chomping at the bit for us to paint his room next...but that requires moving all the legos. Yeah. That'll be fun.
6. We've been watching some of the US Olympic trials lately. I find it very difficult, though, to watch the platform diving. Freaks me out. I'm terrified that they're going to hit their heads on that platform. Seriously. They come *SO* close! While I'm at it, can someone explain why they call them "arm stands" instead of "hand stands"? Just curious. (I find it hilarious, too, that my boys are aghast at the speedos being worn...they can't believe these guys would want to wear that in public! LOL!)
7. Noah's taken up whistling lately. I think I preferred when he and Asher were practicing recorder. ;) (Don't tell Noah I said that, lol.)
8. Can anyone explain to me how my blow dryer cord gets so tangled up? It's not like I'm spinning in circles when I dry my hair, folks. ;) I untangle it, plug it in, stand there and dry my hair, unplug it and put it away. Why, for heaven's sake, is it all tangled and twisted when I take it back out again the next day?! (Seriously. Is it just me? Is someone sneaking in and twisting it up just to drive me insane?)
Okay. I suppose I should go get on with my day now. ;) Hope everyone's Monday is off to a great start!