Hang tight...

Yup, doing a little rearranging and tidying up here on my blog. Please bear with me as I mess with stuff. :) Will probably get side-tracked next week but hope to have all my tweaking done by mid-August. Thanks!
Yup, doing a little rearranging and tidying up here on my blog. Please bear with me as I mess with stuff. :) Will probably get side-tracked next week but hope to have all my tweaking done by mid-August. Thanks!
Just a few wishes I have right now...
1. That drivers would accelerate in the acceleration lanes/ramps such that they achieve a speed within 20 mph of the speed limit *before* I have to merge into traffic. (Sorry. I wasn't going to say anything, but it's happened every day now on my way to and from Noah's soccer camp and is starting to get on my nerves, LOL!)
2. That I could be at the summer CHA show in Florida right now so I could heckle the lovely Prism booth folks. I suppose I'll have to be happy that I made it to the winter show in January and that this layout of mine is at the Prism booth on my behalf:
3. That my baby would stop growing up. Micah turns FOUR tomorrow. Dude. (More on this tomorrow, I'm sure.)
4. That I had another week or two of summer. I know it's not over yet, but I'm already feeling the "I'm running out of time to do the stuff I said I was going to do this summer" woes. :) Oh well.
What do you wish right now? ;)
1. Why do people say someone is "chicken" when they're afraid? All the chickens I've met have been pretty *not* afraid, kwim? The chickens at the dairy where we pick up our milk are definitely bold creatures, that's for sure. ;) Do you know scaredy chickens?
2. Do you suppose there's a way to reduce the glare off of rear car windows? I'm tired of being blinded when I drive along and then being stuck and unable to get out of the glare.
3. Seriously. Why don't public bathroom stall doors open OUT instead of IN? I'd really rather not have to straddle the toilet just to shut the door to begin with. Is there a good reason that I'm just missing?
Woohoo! Just had a much needed multi-day get together with my bestest buds! Sarah and her girls flew in on Monday (the boys and I picked them up at the airport). Then, we met up with Melissa in Longmont before taking all the kiddos to the Pop-Jet Fountains in Boulder:
Yup, eight kids...though my Micah turns four next week (wow!), that front row is all under four. Yeah. We had our hands full, but it was a blast. ;) Made us moms jealous that we didn't bring changes of clothes to run through the fountains, too. Wish I'd gotten more good photos, but I'd only brought my purse camera and it was hard...kids running through fountains are fast and don't look at you often. ;)
After the fountains, we hit IHOP for dinner where our fourth amiga, Molly, met us (she had to work earlier in the day). Let's just say it was an experience and leave it at that. ;) (I took pictures, but they didn't turn out very well...sorry.)
The next day, we met up here at my place where the kids played, Wii'd, biked, sidewalk chalked, read, ate and such. We took them out for ice cream and to the park and had pizza for dinner. Full day, and I only went through a few bandaids, lol. Whew.
Wednesday, as reward for our very full Tuesday (LOL!), we had a girls' day out and it was heavenly! Whilst Nathan generously stayed home and watched our three boys and Sarah's two girls, Sarah and I met up with Melissa and Molly in Boulder and proceeded to have a grand day. It started with lunch. Mmmm. Lunch:
Melissa and I both had shrimp scampi and it was *good*. Plus, we got to sit outside in the gorgeous weather next to this fountain:
Most of the afternoon, then, was spent wandering the Pearl Street Mall area...shopping, laughing and eating cupcakes that claimed to be better than sex (honest, that's what their business card said!):
They were yummy. :) I don't know that I'd go so far as to say they lived up to their slogan, though, LOL!
In any case, we then crossed the street to take jumping photos because Molly said we had to. ;) Here's the only one that actually caught all four of us airborne. Don't laugh! ;)
It's really not as easy as it looks. :) I have a huge new respect for those who pull off good jumping photos!
So. (Insert interim here where we shuffled Melissa's kids around a bit and took a wee breather.) Then we headed out for dinner in Longmont. My dinner pictures didn't turn out as well as my lunch pictures (though I'm just pretty pleased with myself for even taking the food pics all day...I always mean to and almost always forget, lol). But I did get this shot of our drinks:
I'll be honest with ya...I can't remember the last time I ordered an adult beverage at a meal. I just don't generally. But. We were all out. Without kids. So, it was obviously a special occasion. ;) Please don't ridicule my pretty blue drink. ;)
After that, we found a dandy table outdoors and played some card games before going back to relieve Melissa's babysitters and sit and chat for hours more. Long night. So awesome.
And that brings us to today...Thursday (yes, I'm up late again). Sarah and I managed to get all the kids ready with enough time to stop at The Treasure Box (my absolute favorite local scrapbook store) to help Sarah do some damage before heading for the airport. Hee hee. We then made it to the airport, did lunch and finally said our goodbyes. The kids all hugged (so should have taken some pictures then!) and are already talking about when we'll go visit the girls in Texas. Happy sigh. I'm so blessed to have such true friends...you know the type...the friends who have known you forever and love you despite that? ;) Yup, friends.
So. Now I apparently have to get back to reality. Bummer. :) I'll work on it.
I'm off to Boulder for what, I'm sure, will be a fabulous girls' day out with my bestest friends. :) While I'm gone, please check out my layout over on the Prism blog today:
Now, off to get ready...may your Wednesday be as happy as I am now... ;)