
Just a few wishes I have right now...
1. That drivers would accelerate in the acceleration lanes/ramps such that they achieve a speed within 20 mph of the speed limit *before* I have to merge into traffic. (Sorry. I wasn't going to say anything, but it's happened every day now on my way to and from Noah's soccer camp and is starting to get on my nerves, LOL!)
2. That I could be at the summer CHA show in Florida right now so I could heckle the lovely Prism booth folks. I suppose I'll have to be happy that I made it to the winter show in January and that this layout of mine is at the Prism booth on my behalf:
3. That my baby would stop growing up. Micah turns FOUR tomorrow. Dude. (More on this tomorrow, I'm sure.)
4. That I had another week or two of summer. I know it's not over yet, but I'm already feeling the "I'm running out of time to do the stuff I said I was going to do this summer" woes. :) Oh well.
What do you wish right now? ;)

Reader Comments (4)
(1) We must be kindred driving sisters! LOL! I'd like to know whose "bright" idea it was to put signal lights on on-ramps....
(2) awesome layout!
(3) Already?!?!? Where does the time go? Happy birthday, Micah!
(4) Am torn since I want cooler weather but seems like we just got out for summer vacation. LOL!
Hmmmm, I wish that we had a/c. DUH!
I wish, like you, that summer hadn't passed so quickly. I also wish that the four-day weekends were the norm. :)
Love the paper weaving technique!! And you son is so cute!! I only have 1 in soccer this fall and I'm always flying around...can't imagine 3 at the same time!! Need any size 13 cleats???
Amanda, I was going to do that weaving for the texture challenge!! I would like to say great minds think alike, but my mind is nowhere as great as yours, I'll just say, master does it first, hee hee :) I mean HOF'er does it first, LOL.