Wednesday Why's

Random questions on this grey Wednesday...
- Why don't all the delivery people ring the doorbell when they leave a package? I totally understand that some people have signs asking that you not ring the doorbell. But. If I don't have such a sign, is it too much to ask that you take the second to push the little button alerting me to the fact that there's a package so that it doesn't sit outside for hours at risk of being taken? I've been fortunate so far but know people who have had packages taken. And, for the most part, someone is always here to grab the package. Just saying.
- Why aren't there hooks on the walls near the sinks in more women's bathrooms? There are hooks inside the stall doors (usually) they *know* we have a purse or jacket we don't want sitting on the floor. Doesn't it just make sense that we don't want to set those same things on the floor when we're washing our hands?
- Speaking of public bathrooms, why is there that gap in the toilet seats? Seriously, is there some secret purpose I don't know about? No toilet seats in private bathrooms have that gap right up front...why are they there in public bathrooms?
- Why can't I order things online right now (or, say, on Cyber Monday, for example) and have them set with delayed shipping so that they don't ship for a couple weeks? I like to get my shopping done early and really appreciate being able to have things ship directly. But I don't want packages to get there too early. Would it really be that complicated to let me take advantage of prices and convenience *now* and then set the shipping date for later?
- Why don't they print those giant award checks on some sort of sturdy *rollable* material? They could then just tack them to giant foam board for the pictures but the recipient could much more easily roll it up and take it with them. (Just thinking about that article I shared yesterday about Nathan's company's big win. Leith had difficulty trying to figure out how to fly home with that big check...that they really wanted to be able to display at the office. He managed, but the giant check took a bit of a beating.)
- Why don't visors in cars have an optional flip down sunglass screen? For us short people, that would be freakin' lovely. The visor often doesn't block the sun for me...having a visor sized sunglasses-material screen to flip down would be awesome.
Okay, I'll stop. :) (I should go be productive or something, lol.) Seriously, though, if you have any answers to these Why's, I'd love to hear them!!