So. How was your Christmas? Ours was lovely. Here are some highlights:
- Christmas Eve, we went to watch the new Star Wars movie and very much enjoyed the show and the reserved seats.
- After that, we drove around town looking at Christmas lights...which is something of a tradition. We found a couple of spectacular new (to us) homes with plenty of lights, one which was even set to music!
- And boys experienced their now traditional frustration at my gift labeling methods. Bwahhaahaahaa! (This is, I think, the third year of my shenanigans. See 2014 and 2013.) This year...the packages were labeled with completely random words, like garbanzo, seven, pickle, happy, yahtzee, zucchini, because, science and blue. Christmas morning, I finally told them the code, since they hadn't figured it out.
Since I know you're wondering, lol...Noah's had a second letter of "a"...Asher's were those where the fourth letter was "e"...and Micah's were the ones with the third letter being "c"...(and I'm kicking myself because I should have had Noah's be those with a second letter of "o" instead. Then each of their first names would actually have worked with the code, too.)
- We spent a lazy day enjoying gifts that had been opened, took a walk, facetimed with some folks and texted with others, watched some new dvds and played some family games. (For the sake of recording it somewhere, Noah's main gifts were HeroClix related, Asher's were legos and Micah's were Star Wars action figures. All were pretty happy.)
- And today we headed out to take advantage of Christmas clearance sales to stock up on some outdoor lighting and decorations for next year. Asher and I, in particular, are pretty excited.
Next up on our list is to spend the final week of 2015 doing some purging and rearranging...which may not sound too exciting but is going to be awesome. :)