1. My Noah started drivers ed today! Drivers ed, people!! How the heck did that happen? Sigh. Technically, he's not old enough to get his permit yet but we opted to do the classroom time during the summer so as not to have to fit that into our schedule during the school year. So. He has four days of classroom instruction and then will do two days of "Drive Camp" where they'll teach him skills like skidding and crash avoidance and crisis braking. He can't do his on-street instruction (6 hours worth) until the fall, once he has his permit. And then he'll have to wait a full year from when he gets the permit...and put in 50 hours of driving with one of us...and then he can get his license. He's not actually in any hurry. And we're not in any rush to insure a teenage boy driver. But. Having an extra driver may come in handy... ;)
2. Micah went to a demo team performance this morning for Karate West. (They perform for groups at the local elementary schools during the summer. Kids and their parents come to the schools to check out books and such and the demo team performs and lets the kids try some moves.) Today's was performance four out of six, I believe.
Here are some pics from the previous three performances:

(Micah's the short one in the back pair and Asher's got a red stripe on his pants.)

3. Where was Asher for today's performance, you ask? Well, the pediatrician's office informs me that they've been busier since school got out...with a definite increase in injury appointments as opposed to sickness appointments. We, of course, added to those statistics last week. ;) Asher somehow managed to scrape the skin off the tops of his toes (8 out of 10) by sliding down the water slide into the gym pool (feet first, standard sitting position) and hitting the bottom of the pool. (Yeah, I can't really figure it out either. I wasn't there, but that's what Nathan says happened.) Most of them are now starting to scab over just fine, but the pinky toes are somewhat gaping wounds. We ended up at the doctor's office to see whether stitches might be in order but apparently so much of the skin is gone that there wasn't enough to stitch together. So. Steri-strips and non-stick pads and medical tape and socks are our friends. Mostly, everything's all fine. But keeping Asher from jumping around and running and everything else is not easy. And we want things to heal without him constantly breaking them open again. Fun times.
(Btw, this incident came two weeks after Micah fell from his bike and scraped up his hand. He's totally fine now, but there was definitely more wailing and complaint out of that one than out of Asher. Drama much? ;) Micah ended up missing that night's demo team practice but then was fine, whereas Asher's going to need to sit out from karate class and practice and performances for at least this week, maybe more.)
4. I had my first mammogram just after my birthday. All good. :)
5. Asher just informed me that if you get swallowed by an octopus, you end up in Candyland. Just so you know.
6. Our homeschool group had a curriculum sale recently. I managed to score a few things and catch up with some friends, which was lovely. I'm pretty proud of myself for not buying a bunch of stuff that'll end up on the shelves and even managed to give away some of our extras. (We don't have as many extras lately, I find. I'm thinking that's a good thing, as it means that I'm getting better at actually buying what we'll use and using what we buy, lol.)
7. If you haven't seen the movies "McFarland, USA" and "Spare Parts," I recommend them. Micah and I went to the cheap theater to watch the first one and we all watched the second one on dvd recently.
8. We also went to see "Jurassic World" not long ago. I was actually a bit surprised that Micah was the one asking to go, as he previously declared "Jurassic Park" to be "the worst movie EVER" (based on his fear of dinosaurs and scary things in general, lol). (Mind you, this was just last year...*maybe* the year before that.) Apparently, having the actor who also starred in "Guardians of the Galaxy" was enough to offset his fears. :)
9. Last Saturday, our lovely orthodontist invited her clients to a special showing of "Inside Out," complete with free popcorn and soda for each person. It was actually rather impressive...more than 450 clients and their family & friends. We took up two screens. Obviously, the braces business is good. ;)
The movie, btw, was pretty good. It's even been useful in helping certain youngest sons talk about their emotions, lol.
10. Lest you think we just watch a heap of movies (which we do, lol)...I mentioned before that I've been getting these monthly subscription boxes. Finally got around to tackling our first Doodle Crate. We did a sculpting one, and I got some extra supplies so we could all participate:

Noah made a Smash Ball. It's a video game thing. He went mostly two dimensional...very simple. ;) (I don't have a finished picture because he put his on paper clip risers and covered it with a tin foil tent afterward, when we were letting them dry. (It's air dry clay...fun stuff!) He wouldn't let me move the tin foil, which is apparently protecting everything from dust, lol.)
Asher made the Avengers "A" (happy coincidence that it also works for Asher, eh?). He also made a little leopard, or so he tells me.

Micah, comparatively, went a bit more ambitious. ;)
He decided to make the face of Saruman (the evil wizard in Lord of the Rings) given that the actor recently died and Micah wanted to commemorate him.

It got a little messy, lol. And, in case you're wondering, a giant Easter egg makes the perfect base for a Saruman head.
Meanwhile, I joined in and made a little dragon...

And that's some of what's been happening here. ;)