More boxes

So. Noah's off at drivers ed and Asher's not allowed to really go many places (still trying to keep him mostly off his feet). What to do on this Wednesday morning?
Well. Having finished up most all of our homeschool curricula for the year, I simply instructed Asher and Micah to go select a box from the front room. I've been stockpiling both the Tinker Crate and Doodle Crate boxes because I didn't get around to them the first couple months after I'd started (though we have managed to do this one and this one). The boys couldn't agree on just one so each grabbed a box and set to work...
Micah did this robot art Tinker Crate:
And Asher tackled the trebuchet Tinker Crate:
I love how nice and easy the instructions are, and the kits are so well put together! I had to help a bit with some knot tying and cutting of velcro but, otherwise, each boy completed his kit all by himself in record time. :) Then, we set about playing:
And, then, obviously, they ended up combining the two...
Micah did a few more robot runs, this time with paper that didn't have creases (as the creases kept hanging the robot up a bit):
And now they're actually still messing with the trebuchet together...learning how to adjust various aspects and seeing what they can hit (including, of course, each other). Good times!

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