Now that we've firmly established that I love lists... :)
1. Did you realize that Christmas is ONE MONTH away?!! How the heck did that happen? (Actually, by the time I finish typing this post, it'll be less than a month...oy!)
2. Asher's kindergarten teacher at Options was recently offered a full time position elsewhere. This past Monday was her last day, and we're all rather bummed. (Given the nature of only seeing her one day a week and all that, we only found out on Monday morning that that would be her last day.) While I completely understand that a full time position with benefits is fantastic compared to one day a week without benefits, and while I'm sincerely happy for her (this is her first year teaching btw), Asher's still pretty down. He's such a relational sort of boy...cares so much for the people in his life. Sigh. On the plus side, though, I did happen to have my camera with me Monday, as I'd already been planning to help her with a craft after lunch. Here's Asher and his teacher:

Sweetly, Micah's pretty sad also. He loves seeing Asher's class every Monday (I do lunch/recess duty every week) and had taken to calling Asher's teacher on his pretend phones. Micah, now, is mad at me because I didn't think to take a picture of him with Asher's teacher.
3. Thanksgiving is in two days! We're heading to my brother's house (about 45 minutes away, so not bad) and will hang with them and another friend and her kids...should be a fun time! In preparation, today, I printed out some coloring sheets for the kids to do Thursday. We adults might even join in. Not sure whether you saw my little sidebar in the November issue of CK, but I did a layout there about our turkey coloring contest last Thanksgiving:

We were all instructed (by my mom) to color one of these turkeys (she'd borrowed a children's menu from a local restaurant and made copies) during the day. After dinner, my youngest sister's boyfriend came over and was made the judge of our little contest (turkeys had been hung from the bookcases without names). Appropriately, my mom won. :) I'd forgotten how much fun just coloring could be. With that in mind, I drew this simple turkey coloring page if you're interested. I also found some fun ones to print out here. If you do end up coloring turkeys, I'd love to see them! :)
4. I love this!
5. I also think this is a very cool idea.
6. I'm trying really hard to justify why I simply need this. (Having already purchased some of the tags and owls and numbers...)
7. Oh! I just remembered something I need to do! Gonna cut this list short and continue it later in the the meantime, in case I don't get back tomorrow...Happy Thanksgiving!!