Almost February

Guess I should do a bit of catching up before it's February, eh? Here's some of what's been going on around here...
1. Photographs. I think I've figured out what we want to do with our professional portraits. I haven't done anything about it yet, lol, but at least we made a decision. We're thinking that our mantle could use a refresh...realizing we haven't changed anything on it for years. I'll share when we get around to ordering. In the meantime, here's one more photo from the shoot that I missed before:
For the record, Nathan continues to be the tallest, and all three boys are within an inch or two of each other. I'm a good 8-9" shorter than Micah.
2. Persnickety Prints. The digital layouts I ordered arrived awhile back and look great. I've added them to the appropriate scrapbooks and fully recommend Persnickety Prints...great quality and prices!
3. Omaha. Asher and I drove back to Omaha last week. It was pretty uneventful and we got him settled in before I flew home. His semester started Monday and he seems to be enjoying his classes. He's considering a minor in Aviation so is taking an introductory class in that (which apparently has only 8 students so they might even get to use the simulators), has an honors seminar that sounds fun, and is enjoying the three classes in his major. (And with Asher's departure, we're back to being a household of's quiet.)
4. Last semester. Noah's enjoying his last semester at CSU...balancing his time between classes, his senior project rocket propulsion team, and job searching. He's busy and happy, though he could do without the snow and cold since he bikes or walks to campus from his apartment every day, lol.
5. College search. Micah's classes seem good...not overly challenging this semester so trying to just stay on top of that. Meanwhile, since it's the end of junior year, we're also in the midst of college searches and SAT prep and all that. Micah's direction for college is much less defined than Noah or Asher's searches it's a bit more of a process. We're hoping to narrow things down and possibly visit a few schools over spring break.
And that's mostly what's been going on here in the second half of January. I've been gathering stuff for taxes and other paperwork and touching base with each boy for the various things each needs to be doing (finding textbooks, paying tuition, deciding about renewing leases, figuring out colleges to visit, gathering tax paperwork, etc). Not too exciting but getting 2022 off to a solid start. :)