Micah's First Lego League team this year was named DNA...Defending Noble Astronauts. The theme this year was Into Orbit and focused on long duration space travel. Because it's been a long day, I'll direct you to last year's post for a run down on how things work. :)
(This year, btw, I didn't have a JOAD tournament to go to so was able to be there most of the day...even through the fire alarm that got triggered by something in the concessions area, forcing everyone to stand outside in the snow (did I mention it started snowing last night and went much of the day?) for 10-15 minutes while the fire department arrived and cleared everyone to reenter. Fun times.)
Like last year, Micah especially worked on the project presentation (writing the script). He also made the logo and business cards for the team. The three team members who were returning for their second year did a great job of demonstrating that they'd really learned from last year, and overall the team did a fabulous job.
This was one of 12 qualifier events in Colorado this year, and they're sending nine teams to state in December. Our team placed first in the robot performance, with a fantastic score in their second scored robot run (scoring almost double what the second place team earned). And they were third in the overall placings!
So they'll be off to the state competition in December!
Congrats to them (and to our friends on other teams who we enjoyed visiting with during the event) and a huge round of applause on a job well done!!