Went missing there for a bit. ;) It's okay. I have a good excuse. My baby sister and her new hubby came to visit and we were out having fun, not blogging. :) So. On the 23rd, they got here and we hit Old Town and painted ornaments:

The next day, Christmas Eve, we were out early to try some ice skating...something we'd been promising the boys for months (before Asher's broken arm). Asher and I sat and watched while Noah worked on his balance (loving the wall quite a bit...takes after me, lol):

Micah was short enough that the upside down trash cans they offered came in quite handy. Soon he was zipping around the rink:

And he even tried a few loops without the can:

After the ice skating, we stopped by a giant gingerbread house:

We'd seen the initial version the year before. They'd added the dog house this year. ;) Inspired, we came home (and were joined by my brother Zach and his wife and daughter) and tried our own gingerbread projects...simplifying by using graham crackers instead of actual gingerbread. The boys and their new uncle Charlie, though, soon ditched the idea of a measly gingerbread house, aiming, instead, to build a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. Because apparently that's what boys do. :) In the end, they settled for a destroyer:

It's sitting next to uncle Zach's gingerbread doll house (and you can't see aunt Cassy's gingerbread castle). And, yes, they resorted to hot glue for the main structure. Priorities, you know. ;)
Later that night, after a full and yummy dinner and some gift opening and all, the adults played some couples Pictionary...me & Nathan, Cas & Charlie, and Zach & Marcy. Nathan and I, obviously, dominated. ;) Then, we took a group picture:

And that, in a very abbreviated version, was that. ;)
Christmas morning brought roughly 4900 new lego pieces...1141 of which were in the Clone Turbo Tank that Santa brought Asher. Determined, and with a little help here and there, he actually managed, with just the one hand, to put the whole thing together by the next day.

And now, Nathan's parents are here (Cas & Charlie flew home on Christmas Day) and we're taking more pictures and making more memories and will have to update more later. ;)
So. How was your Christmas?