Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from September 1, 2011 - September 30, 2011


Little details.

Just popping in on this gorgeous Friday to tell y'all to head over to the Ormolu blog today and check out the layout I finally finished about the Human Race 5K that I ran in August. :) Thanks!


Quote #39.

Yes, I know it's not Monday. Tough. ;)

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails. – Bertha Calloway

I found this in a catalog recently and loved it. So true. It’s like I try to teach the boys…you don’t always have control over a situation but you do have control over how you react to it. I feel like this has been particularly relevant lately…as I’ve been working to let go of the “ideal” and focus on doing what’s within my power.  

(Also, sorry for being missing in action there…after Noah’s stomach bug that I reported on last Tuesday, it descended on the whole household…we’re finally all over it now and are very thankful that doesn’t happen often, lol. Working on catching up now…)


Ten on Tuesday.

Randomness...but mostly all related to my eyes... ;)

1. I switched to contacts yesterday. It's been like 14 years since I've worn contacts, so it's really weird. Mostly, I keep trying to push my glasses up and they're not there. ;)

2. I switched because the mornings are getting cooler and my glasses fog up while running. So. Until they invent some glasses with windshield wipers (wouldn't that be awesome?!), I'm giving the contacts a go. (And, it doesn't really work for me to switch back and forth too much. My prescription is strong enough that it messes with my head. I need to adjust to one thing or the other and stick mostly with that.)

3. This all means that I have to re-figure out how to wear eye makeup because my face feels naked and I haven't really bothered with eye makeup for more than a decade. (Any tips or recommendations are totally appreciated! Seriously, I'm starting from scratch here. Don't really want to get too fussy or anything but definitely feel like I need to make some sort of effort because it just looks weird to me otherwise.)

4. Sadly, my optometrist convinced me that colored contacts weren't the best choice for me because I'd obviously need the opaque ones and I live almost a mile high (which affects the oxygen permeation or some such thing) and I'm pretty blind and colored contacts apparently just aren't as advanced as other ones. Sigh. So. I'm going with the good ones that are good for my eyes. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm kinda bummed. My poor optometrist (who happens to be a neighbor) had to listen to my whole spiel about wanting to get colored contacts because trying to color my hair without going the whole bleaching route wasn't working so well. I just wanted some change, kwim? Yeah. I'm pretty sure he tuned me out and now thinks I'm odd. ;)

5. Micah is not overly happy about the change. Ironically, he had an entire conversation or three with me and didn't notice a thing until Noah walked up and immediately asked where my glasses were. 

6. I do still have my glasses, though. I actually really like them. I had to use them again late last night...when Noah called us from the boys' bedroom...where he'd vomited all over the hallway on his way to the bathroom (at least the second and third rounds made it in the sink). Awesome. He's still feeling a bit off today and we have no idea why...came on pretty suddenly. Fortunately (and we do know that we're fortunate in our healthy boys!), this is a rare occurrence. But. Does anyone happen to know a better way to clean purple (juice colored) vomit out of carpet? Aside from spending a good bit on hands and knees scrubbing and applying carpet cleaner and discussing the costs of just recarpeting and the pros of just putting down hardwood throughout the house? Bleh.

7. Sorry about the whole vomit discussion. ;) Nathan and I were both very aware that it could have been worse...for instance, he could have done it all over either brother on his way down from his bunk bed and to the door... ;)

8. Moving on...did you know that switching from glasses to contacts makes everything look bigger?! Whoa! It's gonna take my poor brain a bit to process all this and for everything not to look weird.

9. For those who wear contacts, anything I should know? I've worn them before but that was ages ago when it was deemed okay to just wear them all day and night and then throw them out at the end of the week...so I don't have any experience with taking them out and keeping them in the little holder thing and all that. Should I keep solution and a holder thing with me at all times? Should I shower with them in? Tips? (Yes, I have a follow up appointment with my optometrist next week and will ask him all these questions, too. I'd like to just ask intelligent questions, though, as I'm sure he's already convinced that I'm off my rocker thanks to my whole hair color diatribe, lol.)

10. Since I'm still a little blue about not being able to have green eyes, lol, I'm looking for something fun to celebrate...I thought maybe some cool sunglasses? Other ideas?


Quote #38.

It's still technically Monday, so I'm not late with this week's quote. ;)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. –Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

This just seemed appropriate this week. Lots of thinking and sorting going on in my head. Trying to figure out where to focus my energies. ;) 

(Feel like I'm making progress, though...so that's something...) 


What a difference a day makes...

Just a quick update. Micah's now thrilled at the idea of teeth being pulled. He informed me that he'll just do it that way from now on. (Don't worry, we immediately had a conversation about how that was *not* the way to look at it, lol.) Methinks this was influenced by a few things:

  • Our tooth fairy happens to leave more money for teeth that had to be pulled than for teeth that fell out on their own. Not sure that the ol' tooth fairy made a wise decision with that precedent but when Asher was five and had to have his first tooth pulled (due to decay), it seemed like a good idea. ;) (Little did the tooth fairy know that we'd have three boys who apparently need many teeth pulled for various reasons...Noah's had four pulled, Asher's had nine and now Micah's at four. Lovely.)
  • I took Micah out for fries and ice cream while his brothers were at swim team and karate yesterday afternoon since he was finally un-numb and was hungry. ;)
  • It no longer hurts or bleeds. Both good things. :)

Anyhow, thankfully we've passed yesterday's miffed-ness and are ready now to move on. And, yes, we realized the need for savings for orthodontia years ago and are pretty sure that we fund our pediatric dentist's vacations each year, lol. We already know that both Asher and Micah will likely need braces more than once. Awesome.

But. Look at this smile:

All worth it, right? :)

(Yeah, you can totally see that permanent tooth already moving right into place where the other two were. The other permanent tooth has broken through but isn't as visible yet.)